There was a thread about Nice Guys vs. Jerks, where the girls stated their preferences, so I wanted to make this thread and get some opinions from the guys. People often say girls go for guys who treat them like crap, but I also see guys who are in love with girls who seem to enjoy ripping their ego to shreds. One example: Some girl told me that guys like it when she's mean to them and tells them things like, "You're not that hot," or "You're so weird" when they're trying to talk themselves up. -lol She says she also only answers their calls after they've tried four or five times and when she does, she makes no effort to sound interested by them. And yet they seem to love it. This one guy has been pursuing her for five years. So guys, tell me the truth: do you like it when a girl is mean to you? Or does it make her more attractive?
Hah? That's definitely not true. It may be true that girls are attracted to 'bad guys' but doesn't mean the guy treats her badly. Some girls like it when the guy is so tough and badass but treats her nice and tender. Makes them feel special. If a guy is mean to me, i say 'bye-bye'.
"Bad guys" are typically mean towards girls, no? They may not be serious with their insults, but their bad attitude is what attracts the girls initially.
Hahaha my cousin frm china told me... that the girls changed since "my sassy girl" came out... the women are being evil since then hahaha...
some guys just really love, what we call "the chase" once in the relationship the chase if over and... it sometimes gets boring
if the girls think that the guys will change into being like that sissy dude from my sassy girl, theyre dead wrong -lol a sassy girl and a sissy guy.... thats not right lol
Haha yeah, a lot of guys seemed to find her fiestyness attractive. Generally, I think men are driven to conquer and hunt... it's in their basest instinctual pattern ... so pursuit seems to drive men even when it defies female logic. Sorry, I only do that to guys that I actually find interesting. (is that the kind of response you were craving? -devil)
Oh, but the question is are you interesting? Maybe you're just too afraid of me cause I might think you're boring which eventually you will be if you don't start playing with me.
You make guys sound like some sort of primitive animals. <_< U trying to tell us that you are interested in him?
Most guys are intrigued by girls who don't pay ANY attention to them (not necessary rude, unlike the case stated in OP). They like to "conquer" such apathy, if I can say so. But yeah, those girls are for the chase, quite unlikely for a stable relationship...