Excuse me! Hiake and I are the Directors here... and sorry that won't happen. No casting for lesbian or incest roles. We want this movie to be clean. And that's why your story with Kdotc.. that will be in the sequel.
In a small town emeralville.... one lesbian mother... two obsessed daughters... as they fight for the worman and man of their dreams... only one will come out victorious... who will win... who will get killed... who will lick the frosting off of the zombies genitals... who will... flatout go insane... this summer... in collaboration with PA Films and MTV.... from the makers of The Hills Have Eyes... brings a gruesome tale of two sisters... Hiake n Babyrain in.... Zombie Sisters Cum A La Fast n Furious!!
lol i was expecting some riddles but wth hiake vs babyrain so i must be the unlucky one...gotta stay alert
this was on pa some time, i didn't know the answer when i first saw...i found it out from reading ppl's posts. I guess i aint got the same mentality as a killer. lol
April 30th- Popular Asians director Babyrain has reportedly secured a $20 million deal to film the most anticipated horror film of the year. The film which tells the tale of a homosexual man raging at his mother's funeral, having to deal with zombies and his disturbing mind, an idea which apparently has been said to be hatched in less than 2 hours yesterday at the PA forum. According to co-director Hiake who also has a starring role in the film, the production has been picked up by US production group the Weisten Company who are contributing a large chunk of the budget. Knoc, one of the scriptwriters (expected to be released in cinemas later this year) has revealed that the basic plot tells the story of Ecko, a homosexual man who gets jealous of his beautiful sister when Kdotc, a mysteriously attractive man (to Ecko) turns up unexpectedly at his mother's funeral. Added to this, his mother awakened as a zombie, having been bitten by the last of the zombies whom escaped from Umbrella Corp. a few months ago, creating havoc. Apparently the father (played by Knoc himself) will also be bitten and hundreds of innocent others whom attended. Hiake, the sister and Kdotc were safe, as Ecko raged and went crazy with a machete and an anti-zombie bazooka, wiping out the army of darkness. Ironically, two weeks later, the sister was killed by Ecko due to some unknown reason. Says Knoc, "I cannot reveal too much. You just have to go and watch for yourself".
Trailer What would you do... Where would you go... If you were stuck.... At a funeral with... A disturbed man And a ravaging zombie? This summer, Popular Asians in collaboration with Weisten Company, From the makers of Fatal Attraction II and Night of the Living Dead VI, brings to you A most horrifying tale of zombies A compelling love story... A psychological thriller... Starring Ecko and Kdotc from American Pie VI, do not miss the Three Zombies and a Funeral Coming to a cinema near you....
Three zombies? Which three??? Or would it be spoiler to reveal that??? LOL And I thought I already resigned from the acting crowd