i only laugh at dorky things... even though i'll agree something else is "pretty funny" i won't crack unless it's dorky funny so maybe it's just their sense of humor
I prefer girls that make me laugh than not, for me, when I say I want a girl who has humour, i do mean that she will make me laugh =]
maybe ppl are just being nice and telling u ur jokes are funny.... but they really arnt all that funny..... i think girls can be funny ... i dont think its the guys job to always be funny..... why would i want to be the one whose always doing all the work ?
Haha...u sound frustrated... Anyway.... I do agree with you with the fact that girls can be funny... But its not like i see it as "doing the work"...
Being funny shouldn't be work, it should just come naturally. You shouldn't feel like you're putting on a 'show'
When I think about it, my ex girlfriends rarely made me laugh, and when they did it's usually over stupid $hit, like them acting stupid or me laughing at my own joke. I'd really like a girl that's extremely witty. Does anyone else think chic is a hot girl? I should make a new thread about having high expectations for online Asian girls you've never seen.
^ She's hot alright, though the best part (IMO) is the shaggy hair And yeah, you can't expect a pretty (and hot?) girl to be funny too... what are the chances.
I agree with the saying, most guys I know does prefer a girl laughing at their jokes rather than telling the joke.. but guys do appreciate when the girl can joke around!
I was just watching "The Aristocrats", a documentary about the "standard" improv joke (aka "The aristocrats trick"). Even male and female comedians (given it's a free-for-all mix of sex, scandal and all things disgusting) construct that particular standard differently. So I guess yeah, male and female have REALLY different taste in "sense of humour". While many male don't mind vulgar jokes, some female may take personal offense easily.