i personally think guyz wif glasses are realli realli cute!! HAHAHAHa....it attracts me the most!!! >.<
Wow the girl must be really stupid. Wearing glasses gives off a sophisticated look. Wow, that girl is an idiot. haha Does she wear glasses? Because she will need glasses if she doesn't have any.
i like with eyeglasses. but not every one looks good wearing eyeglasses. if you dont think you look that good with the eyeglassess on, consider contact lens.
glasses dont matter. but try to get nice glasses so you wont look too geeky. just a suggestion... btw. i think some guys with glasses are pretty hott. depend..
There's absolutely nothing wrong with glasses! In fact, i reckon that glasses can make a guy look cuter/smarter lol!
yup i think a guy with glasses is much more handsome... but also nid to change to a type of handsome looking spec la.. dun get the one that like a nerd la...
Wow the person who asked this question started this thread in August 2006... I supposed whatever concerns he has about wearing glasses are already solved But anyway, it's a very trivial issue like what some here already pointed out. Besides, you could always opt for contact lenses or laser surgery in the future if you really don't like wearing glasses. And girls wouldn't mind guys with glasses, after all, who wears glasses in bed?