I think this is self explanatory. I'm more of a dog person, myself, so I'd have no qualms in having this on my desk. Apparently the cat goes "Meow" when you stick your pencil up its butt, which is not very realistic. Far better that it leap up and down and bite you, then do a poo on the desk. Anyway, Cat's Arse Pencil Sharpener costs $14. – Ad Dugdale Source: gizmodo Cat's arse pencil sharpener? Gee, designers, what will be next??? LOL
ahhahaha trust u to find stuff like that =P lolz im sure a lot more ppl would get that if it was of something else =P
lol.. is there still a market for traditional pencils? I hardly use them anymore.. and even if I do.. I use pen knife to sharpen..
LOL next thing you know there will be one where u stick a pencil in any animals mouth (including humans) and the shavings come out of the rear. unless it already exists, then bravo-clapclap
muahahahahhah ...... i hate cats !!! if only i could find a cat that would stay still long enough for me to shove a pipe up their as*
a designers mind is just weird? -noclue Dun generalize.. we are creative.. not weird.. but some will come up with funny ideas and that can't be helped -lol
^ Not yet.. prospective btw.. THF20 is in graphic design field.. lol.. later he delete all your uploads! -lol kidding