are the words "guys" and "chicks" degrading?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by smallrinilady, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    i know i know, these words are based on the times

    degrading words of yesterday become and "it" words of today

    when I was in university, my supervisor on campus refused to use the word "gals" "girls" "chicks" to any of the female student workers

    apparently saying "girls" to a bunch of 18- 24 year olds was degrading because it didn't look at them as adults (this was only in the mid 90's), so now he's so use to calling us "ladies" which now made us feel rather oldish

    it's weird having the student manager run around calling "hey you gals" or "girls come over here!" but she was just one of us
  2. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    i don't see how they're degrading...

    its just the way we socialise and refer to each other
    they do that at work etc
    its all normal from wat i see
  3. Nah I dun think it is but...
    'Bird' 'Choi' is I think -angry
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I can't help but have a WTF moments when girls refer to their boyfriend as "jai" or guys to their girlfriend as "choi"

    It make it sound VERY ghetto and pimp-ish =_=b
  5. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    That would only happen with HK people calling jai and choi. Dont think its degrading to call guys or chicks, its just a common way of calling ppl.
  6. WinterSky

    WinterSky Well-Known Member

    hah, i know how that person feels, i sometimes don't know if to call females my age "girls" since yea... that is somewhat childish sounding (i've been using "girls" since i could speak)

    guys = refers most often to a group of guys (we really don't mind and perfer this)

    chicks = sounds degrading to me?

    gals = just not a word i can imagine myself saying seriously

    ladies = what i go to if the women is either older than me or i'm having a failing attempt trying to be sly lol

    but what else would the "ladies" at PA like to be refered to? is "girls" ok? or women?

    "Women of PA"
    "Girls of PA"
    "Gals of PA"
    "Chicks of PA"
    "Hot mama's of PA" ^_^
    "Ladies of PA" <-- wow really does sound old
    "Females of PA"

    lets throw some more together and maybe start a poll? lol
  7. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    Maybe chicks is degrading, but I don't really see guys/gals/girls as degrading, it just improper etiquette, casual.
  8. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    i don see em as degrading.
  9. saikira

    saikira Well-Known Member

    sooner or later, someone is goin to come up with another word for guys or chicks and we would forget about them
  10. WinterSky

    WinterSky Well-Known Member

    i think when ppl use chick like...
    "hey look at that chick over there" makes girls sound like targets or something since chicks (baby chickens) are cute and defenceless... maybe that's how the word came around to be?
  11. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    but many in ten years, the younger generation of HK will thing "what's the big deal with jai and choi"
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Yeah, but then they probably don't speak properly anyways.

    If any of my relatives' kids talk of their boyfriend/girlfriend that way, they are going to get grilled by me (if I care about them AT ALL).
  13. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    I think that the Cantonese words:
    - Tzu Pah = "pork chop"
    - Ngaw Pah = "beef"
    is more degrading.
    That is why I decided not to use them.
  14. Ju pa -lol
    Does anyone even say that nemore? <_<
  15. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    In this context, looking at women is like checking out meat ...
  16. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    I dun like 'chick'.. but 'guy' and 'gal' are fine.. in an informal setting that is
  17. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    @XJ: What happened to your avatar? You changed from a gal to a guy -ann
  18. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    ^ haha.. stole that blind guy pic from the other thread.. kinda meaningful to me :)
  19. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    @XJ: ... I like the girl pic more ... now I think that you are a blind man ... -huh
  20. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    - Tzu Pah = "pork chop"
    - Ngaw Pah = "beef"

    aren't those meaning if your fat?

    also well in HK terms change every half year