What kind of math is that??? 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 1?! Another potential spammer: sun1986 for his/her one-liners...
its not about math when it comes to race. thats how the nazi's got their shit going. 1 jew = .05 of a german or back in the day in america 1 black person = 1/2 a white person.
You post on a report a friggin' spammer thread just to get your first post count? That's some irony right there...
lol lets not get too technical, i was just jk about the viet thing, im not vietnamese... although i do like their Pho, Pork Chop Rice, and coffee. -cool2
^ Yeah, their coffee is good with condensed milk So you half white and half Chinese (or Asian in general)? Do you speak any Asian language then?
im half chinese/half canadian... i used to speak canto (it was technically my first language) but once i started going to school i kinda lost it... iv relearned quite a bit in my teenage years though, and i can understand pretty much everything my relatives say when they talk to me, plus i can order some mean dimsum, and swear ur pants off.
lol il pick up a nice cantonese girl and make her talk to me only in canto. lol see how far a relationship can go with only minimal communication hahaha.
Meh, your chance of doing that in Toronto is like minimal, it's kind of difficult to find a girl who doesn't speak English @_@b
lol i dont live in toronto, i live in Regina, iv just been to toronto alot of times, hahaha and its even HARDER to find an true cantonese fob.