get a new one... But don't compare the last relationship (which has failed obviously) with the new one. But some may consider you heartless for rebounding SO FAST.
I think that's pretty unfair to the new one! Don't you? There's no short cut for forgeting people. It's gonna take time... so just accept it. Instead of sitting at home and thinking about the past you should do something more valuable.
The thing is relationship is never about fairness. I mean, yeah, of course one may think if he/she only rebound and find a new one after a year it SOUNDS better than if he got a new relationship in 2 days. But who put a date on how long it takes for us to forget someone? It is entirely possible that the person rebounding in 2 days get a healthier relationship than the one for 1 year. So it's a matter of attitude. If you stop comparing your new relationship with your old failed one, it's all fair game.
rebounds always helps because in relationships you truly never know maybe that girl that you thought was a rebound can actually be the one that you be with.. It just happens to work that way in alot of cases
Well, I do agree parts of your thoughts. But it's rarely fault from only one part when relation ends... So if you did do anything wrong in the last relation then you should take some time and reflect about the problem before you just jump into a new relationship...
You know, after my first breakup, I realized how lucky I was to have my friends because I saw that they cared about me and were supportive. I mean, you kind of know that already, but you don't really feel lucky about it, grateful for it, or really value them until you see it. So, I say, hang out about your friends! Have fun! And don't rush into a new relationship. Time heals everything. Why be with someone when you're thinking about someone else?
Best and fastest way is to keep yourself distracted and busy. In the meantime, you can catch up with frens and relatives. Rebound might be fast, but its not the best.. cos it probably wun last anyway.. so the cycle repeats itself.
I agree... From my experience, rebound doesn't work and not a very healthy relationship too coz u spent time reminiscing and if ur ex still contacts u, that's gonna b a problem too. I doubt if you are one of those who can forget easily, in that case rebound can actually work and helps, but then again, if you are one of those type, you wouldn't be posting here, would you? Rebounds caused me so many heartaches. Fastest way to forget abt ur ex is probably exorcism. Get rid of all his/her stuff, hide them somewhere out of sight or u could even throw/burn those pics Then get busy. Get a life, i mean a single one, when you can do anything at anywhere at anytime. Pursue your hobbies, spend more time with family/friends, join a gym, pamper urself with a spa treatment, get a new haircut, contribute to PA forum etc. Key is be nice to urself. And feel free to rant abt ur ex to ur bestest friends, but after that forget abt him/her. Don't feel bad if u still miss ur ex now and then. It's only normal and it also shows that you are very attached to ur emotions. Be strong though, and don't reach for the phone, making calls/sending smses to get him/her back. Closure is quite important for some people too. Saying a proper goodbye, some prefer to have it laid out why it didn't work out, others just prefer an amicable breakup. Depending on which type u are more comfortable with. If the breakup is on a bad note, then don't be afraid to fantasize abt ways u might like to take revenge on ur ex... Believe me, it's quite healthy to do so Not only my opinion, i read it somewhere on some experts' article. But of course, the key word is 'Fantasize' and not actually doing it. Lol. That would be committing a crime
Unless you don't care about this person. But otherwise it is very difficult. You need lots of time to get over this
gotta spend time with ur friends and people. do not put ur self into a situation where u are bored to death. try to find people to hang out with and talk to.
i think stop contactin n get away from the place wud b the most useful way. i know its unfair to compare ex with the new one...but sometimes at some points u jux cant help doin it. is it stupid to still miss/think of ur ex ( not in a way dat u wana get back with him/her) wen u r in ur new relationship for about 6 months and thgs got pretty steady with ur new one?!
some ppl says it takes about the same duration for u to forget about ur ex as u were like if u hv been in a relationship for almost 3 yrs, doz it happen for u to take 3 yrs to forget about him/her???
i totally agree with wat u suggest! but hv u tried dat urself before??i suppose most of da ppl here hv been through breakups, i wonder wat others normally do to deal with it?