^Exactly... So it's not really a feasible idea. I know of one site where they make it a requirement of at least 10 words b4 you can post your reply (automatic on the website) but still, a person can spam in 10 words or more. By spam I don't mean less words. I mean unconstructive replies. And sometimes, without those silly comments, there's no jokes to brighten up PA
how bout $20 prizes every 2 weeks instead of $40 once a month , its not much but its better then nothing =P and more people can win.
Cash or those DVDs DVDs make sense since this is an Asian entertainment forum after all. $20 to get ur pic posted is way better than nothing.
lol.. I tot its for all asians? btw.. do you guys really think that this will liven up the pic section? maybe you will get ppl to post their own photos.. but is it worth the 20 USD/week? somehow it seems more effective to create contests that have a specific requirement such as "Coolest pic of yourself playing sport".. then the next one can be "Best dress/shirt you own" That way, there is more variety in the pictures and hence more excitement in my opinion. And it also reduces the need for random selection as the subject matter can be sth that ppl will more comfortable participating in. As to verifying the ownership of the photo, we can get the winner to submit the original photo thru email b4 collecting the prize. If the picture is original, it will likely have a large file size/ high resolution, given that most pics found freely online are usually much smaller.. Another more confirmative method is that the poster must include a 'sig' in his photo. Eg, write ur name on a piece of paper and include it in the picture
^Opps my bad. That's what i meant. Hmm organizing themed contests is a good idea but needs more work from the Mods to pick out the winners and not everyone owns a digital cam/scanner. To take a themed picture would be harder than just dig out pics that you already have in ur pc for submission
^ thats true.. but boring.. haha.. unless the rest of you find it fascinating to see the mystery faces..
haha, I was just kidding, but contests are cool. How about a tournament battle of somesort?? But those actually take a while to fill out brackets and have elimination polls.
i can see you being bankrupt after this -lol i was thinking of something else besides miss/mr pa as i thought it be like kinda harsh, i can see other members calling others ugly haha like maybe we post like random of pics of unknown ppl, maybe us and then the contestants can guess whos who, the most correct number of guesses wins !! hoho but that won't work cuz 1/2 of you guys already posted yours and knoc will prob post a pic a black guy with an afro -tongue2 or just maybe ask for volunteer's of pics from some members (by PM of course) but then there's a chance of cheating bah !! we can't win -surr so its miss/mr pa then -lol
Well, why not make a themed photo contest like: take a pic of yourself while crossing the street or a pic of you and your favorite ice cream. Most original ones wins. Not that I will join though, incentive is still too low. -whistle
i like the idea of having a current events/news section as casshern suggested a few pages back. the Lounge section of the forum can get so cluttered with news stories that its tough to find just the casual stuff that members want to post.
here is a suggestion... i move that we delete the "how should i get my gf to start smoking thread" lol
^^ lol, I wanted to make this suggestion: ban everyone who dares to a make retarded thread like that one! And maybe it's an idea to punish the users who feed the trolls with a delete of 50 postcounts...
I meant News From Around The World, like the "Man slept through multiple stabbing", "Naked woman drink driver", "11 Year Old Girl Kills 2 Home Invaders" type news.
lol i dunno how the ads work on this place, but some of them are pretty gay... and some are downright gross... i mean wtf is this shit
I have a suggestion to make. It similat to your idea... BUT not post pics of memeber on PA. But pots pics of chinese actor/actress and then we PA members have to guess who they are. hehehe. Abit like the game on chinese channel where we had to guss whose eyes were they. lol