That's the point of rebound relationships. It was never meant to last. It was to help keep those lonely nights and those urges to call your ex away. And if I may add, forget your ex, which is his/her intentions!
errr... well i tend to go out with my friends quite a lot, and keep myself buys. I also like to consume a lot of alcohol. In my opinion alcohol is the best way to ease the pain, obviously everyones gona disagree with me.
^ Well, if you don't get hungovers, alcohol is indeed the most effective (and legal + relatively inexpensive) mean to make yourself oblivious of your pains.
at the end of the day, just depends how much u like/liked them if they don't mean much to u, u'll just forget abt it easily... tho if they do really mean something 2 u u'll always think abt them, tho generally speaking only time will make u forget abt them but yeah, alcohol is always nice wen ur knocked out =) u don't remember anything that happened, for that nite neway... lol
Alcohol is bad, it might make you forget for a while but once it wears off your likely to go the opposite way and suffer a worser state of depression. Weak people might even become alcoholics due to constant alcohol abuse. Time usually heals everything. Act on logic rather then emotion to rationalize your means to move on. Its just learning to let go of your current infatuation or agenda for something greater.
you are so very very wrong if you say everyone disagree im the first to agree if no one has done that already alcohol makes things go by really fast you can drink for a few hours and it felt like 1 hour and you can work for 1 hour and felt like its been 10
Babyrain obviously has been through the stage and I absolutely agree with your ideas. It will not be easy - it will very tough - but as time passes - it 'hopefully' will heal.
One WEEK? hmmm...guess it depends how serious the relationship was.. I remember when me and my first Ex bf broke up...took me about a year to really get over it.... We were only together for 3months but before we started dating I already loved him for over a year (secretly).. So when we were bf & gf I was realllly happy...! So when we broke up i was really down. Anyway...I'd say... Go out with your friends and look for some distraction... sitting at home wont help because the only thing u'll be thinking about would be him.... When my relationship ends I make an "ex box" I put all his gifts and pics in it.... Keep it for a while and when I am over it I just throw everything away...
reading this post and the rest of the posts agreeing to it make me feel deja vu. Reminds me of that dreaded and infamous "how to get my gf start smoking?" thread. Lol, alcohol is definitely not a good way to go.
sorry i didn't read all of the above posts, but from the general idea, i don't believe rebound is a nice thing to do... it hurts the new person 100 times worse when they have the knowledge that they are "just a rebound" (been there, it hurt like hell) so my advice is... fastest way, hate them... worked for me... (sadly the friendship turned sour, so it was easy for me to hate them) otherwise, make yourself busy... with work... talk to family and friends... enjoy yourself ^^ otherwise, try and get them out of your life for a while, so you CAN move on... eg.. delete off msn etc etc
lmao... but in my opinion,,, not healthy >< plus annoys the crap out of friends who want to talk to you, but your too involved with wow... -.- (no offence to those to totally adore it)
^I admire ur honesty... But it's always good to take the time to read all the posts to avoid repeating the same thing someone else has said... besides, you may get some interesting and various views on da topic
^ Yeah, or hiake doing her random zombie talk. But really, rebound is okay as long as the person KNOW he/she is a rebound (it's worst than NOT FAIR if he/she doesn't know you are on a rebound) Sometimes, it plays a trick on us and the rebound may end up to be your finally found true love... All we need is the right timing
Rebounding in order to get back at someone is more likely to pass on bad karma to the good people which is not fair. but having a new person to replace the other is a different story. Timing.... may not be enough. You need the right attitude and right person.