^ I know, it's kind of difficult NOT to notice them... when they have one-liner on EVERY thread you are going to reply to...
This ain't a spam but I think the thread shd be closed/deleted for sensitive/offensive reason. http://www.dramasian.com/showthread.php?t=762 and here's what i think of it http://www.dramasian.com/showpost.php?p=255950&postcount=276
Brain, pm me those links pls. I am literally on my way out the door. I'll deal with it when i get in. Thanks. Knoc
caonuts is spamming, see a thread that this caonuts created http://www.dramasian.com/showthread.php?p=256691#post256691 - This thread already exists - The thread is opened in the wrong location, Vietnam talk - Posted 4 posts in a row!!! With junk
found another AbZoNy http://www.dramasian.com/showthread.php?t=15289 sorry to make ur job even more difficult
wow! You guys are on a spammers hunt. Cool. The main reason people are posting crazy, just to see some download links. Some download links require a certain number of post, like 30 posts. They will post crazy, just to accumulate 30 posts. Maybe lowering the requiring number of posts to 5 might solve all the problems. If they can't even make 5 posts, they shouldn't see the download link. Period. I also like the idea of validating the members before they could see the download forum. That is a wise decision PA staff.