When are ladies most receptive to meeting a man and when is a man's chances of getting a date with a lady the highest?
Think most girls would prefer choice #3 because with the number of rape and/or murder cases increasing and nutcases around nowadays, gals would assume that it's safer if u met him thru friends... As for me I think #1 would be quite flattering although I wouldn't mind the rest of the options. Agreeing to the date though would depend whether I find him uhm at least a lil appealing. If he appears to be not my taste, i'd prob come up w an excuse. -shrug
I can see how meeting someone through a friend is advantageous. Plus you would have insider information on that person from your friend =) When I was single, I used to ask out random girls I meet. I would say I had a 50-60% success rate most of the time. And the times that I do get turned down, the girls were really nice about it and didn't make me feel horrible. Haha, yes I am. Just curious about how women think lol =)
Hailing from the clan which "never date your friends", I worry that dating a friend's friend may have adverse effect on the relationship (between our mutual friend and me) when the relationship's over. So yeah, rather be colleague.
^Colleague's worse >.< U have to see him @work everyday even if it's over, and worse if it's over on a bad note. What if ur boss asks u to work with him?
if dating in office, problems and conflicts might occur due to different opinions and positions of both person. online = unsafe
^How exactly is dating someone u met in the public and in the bar safer than someone u meet from online? -shrug I have met many Internet friends in real and they are 'SAFE'!
^gimme yur msn so i can have the honour of being the 1st dangerous person u'll meet from internet *grins evilly*
^ Yeah, that. Probably. The thing is that most are slightly more "cautious" with people they meet online than in reality... But truth be told, the likelihood of getting harassed by your msn buddy is WAY less likely than being harassed by that random drunk in the bar...
I agree. Ever heard of the phrase, never dip your pen in company ink? It only gets messy @ work and super awkward if anything bad happens.
^-huh? wat happened to tat gf of urs after u did her assignment? Ran off with the lecturer? @Hiake: Yup. Having said that, i doubt you do that often (meeting people from the Internet). U seem like a very mysterious person
^Hmmm, I am secretly a male zombie looking for female zombie for a stable grotesque relationship Thus the never-ending zombie talk (and bashing my competitors ) Any takers?
^I never knew zombies could type. Or think for that matter. For heaven's sake, stop pretendin ur a zombie to stave off ur PA stalkers...