Meeting girls in public?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Kachi_no_Kemuri, May 4, 2007.

  1. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    Ok..i was wondering right, in public how can a guy "chat up" a girl. Do they like it or do they find it scary? what is the best approach to strike up the convo without scarying them?

    Im askin this cause every thursday after i catch the train from uni back to my house i always spot this eurasian hottie and i asked her for the bus number the other day and she replied in a VERY FRIENDLY way.

    Any ideas?
  2. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    And i thought u were a girl...-shrug
    Anyway, abt ur qns, probably depending on how the guy's first impression to me is. Whether he looks creepy, or decent. If she replied in a VERY FRIENDLY way, then well, why are you still hesitating to make the next move? -huh?
  3. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    If ur cute and not shouldnt be a big problem... I have bad experience with strangers talking to me... old uncle or creepy yellow fever types =/
  4. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member


    Im scared. I dont wanna freak her out.

    What do u mean by creepy? The way i dress?
  5. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    Maybe next time i just approach her and ask her for a pen whilst im pretending to be talkin to my mate on the fone?

    then when i hand the pen bak to her i say "Thanks beautiful?".

    Howz thhhhaaaaatt!!? >.<
  6. dont talk like a gangstah :p but anyhow.. be yourself lol...
    by not being creepy.. dont make weird sounds -noclue
  7. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member


    I dont talk like "Whats up homes" or that sort of crap...

    Im a bubbly guy in public so....XD
  8. lol dont pretend.. just start a conversation.. like.. are you also on this uni? never seen you before...

    i suck at this prolly =.= girls help this guy out lol
  9. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member


    Shes in highschool....btw....and im second yr uni student. But she looks really mature though....
  10. she knows you know that?
  11. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    ^Gung hai lah!!

    She wears her school uniform!

    But im sure she doesnt know im an uni student.

    I only spoke to her once and that was for the bus question
  12. lol just start a conversation.. how the school is etc..
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It's really lame, but just talk to her... about the weather, exams, etc etc @_@b

    "Every time I see you at this bus stop, I just forget the bus route I should get on just so I can ask you about it. Do you think I can talk to you about something other than the obvious bus route?" or something :p
  14. hahaha hiake knows how all things works -lol
  15. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Hmm creepy... Many types of creepiness. Creepy in the sense that the guy's talkin to u and smirking or grinning as if secretly having some kind of weird/evil/kinky thoughts; creepy in the sense that the guy's lookin at u funny; creepy in the way he talks maybe, the tone of his voice... dat kind of creepiness haha.
    And pls don't try that out ...
    That borrowing a pencil n sayin "thanks beautiful" thing -ann it's very corny.
    Just greet her and maybe say "Hi... see you here every week.. which school do u go to? (cause she's wearin a school uni) I am a student at blablabla" so it appears you ask a common, not so personal question and at the same time introducing urself as a student at so-and-so uni so she won't think ur some kind of psycho from somewhere. I mean, it's quite usual to strike up a conversation with someone u meet at the train station every thursday.
    So what do u mean by she replied in a very friendly way though? Did she give u her number?
  16. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @Resentless: I do? Don't think so... You are better in this than me resentless :p

    @BabyR: Yeah, corny's the word... And lame @_@b And may even be classified as "creepy"
  17. nah your a girl... ill do my best to understand them.. but the female species are really complicated... they can change in a second :p
  18. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    But dont girls like cornyness?

    She responded in a nice you know, the tone in her voice and stuff..
    Im not quite comfortable with the fact about asking her skool and stuff cause that is IMO creepy :/
  19. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Since when do girls like corny? U can go ahead and try that if u want :p
    Uh, I am not askin u to ask her her history of life@school or her resume, I am askin u to use that "which skool u goin to" thingy as a conversation starter.
    And depending on her respond, u can either take it further or take the hint she's not interested :p
    She wun think it creepy if u reveal where ur a student at ...
    It's very COMMON for students to ask that.
    Hmm, responded in a nice way, but not nice enuff to give u her number? :p Well u probably shdn't haf asked for her number first neway.. Go with sth like MSN or email maybe. I wldn't give out my number easily as well.
  20. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    doesnt that just scare her?