Abortion. What would you do?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Akademik, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. Akademik

    Akademik Well-Known Member

    DAmn..... recently, an old friend of mine got into a Jam... And this got me thinking.
    What would you do?

    Your an 18 year old girl... You accidentally got pregnant with your bf.
    Your bf is a descent guy... He works very hard, but he's living pay cheque to pay cheque but is willing to stick around and be a Man.
    Its highly possible that you can live a life where you have food, shelter, clothing, but no luxury what so ever even tho you have a kid.


    abort it as soon as possible, so you can get your career and life going and achieve all you wanted to do in life. However, you are what some ppl consider a 'baby killer'.

    what would you do?
  2. Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    I think it is very hard to accidentally get someone pregnant. there are so many ways to protect against this such as not having sex. In this case I this it would be wrong to allow an abortion. Sex is a dangerous activity and you need to consider your future at that point rather than start considering your future after you become pregnant.
  3. wongpk

    wongpk Guest

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    Take away then... Under the ability of earning "eat" for yourself, don't get it birth!
  4. Moki

    Moki Guest

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    depends how far the baby is.
  5. !!!TwiLite!!!

    !!!TwiLite!!! Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    umm....depends...rape is one thingy so it counts..but doing it when u sleep with every guy not good idea
  6. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    highly depends on the situation....
  7. remix

    remix Guest

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    Well, if it's your fault, meaning you didn't get raped or anything, I think you should give birth and put it up for adoption. When you are getting an abortion, basically what you are doing is ripping apart the baby. Its limbs, head, etc. get's ripped apart and sucked through a tube (or so it seems when I was watching this movie that involved info on abortion)
  8. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    there are different form of adoption....it depends on the stage of the unborn fetus...
  9. !!!TwiLite!!!

    !!!TwiLite!!! Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    yup adoption works...OMG really? do they really do that suck it through a tube??.. :(
  10. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    yes...that is one form...
  11. Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    i dont agree with it... but you do what you gotta do.
  12. wguan_86

    wguan_86 Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    first off i assume it's an asian girl?
    first to consider..
    1. if she gives birth will her parents support her?...not to be afraid of being in a conflict with the parents.. if you believe your parents will assist...then there you go.. there's a solution.. get your family involved.

    then you try to look at can you accept the fact of having a child now.... or do you believe your too young?

    2. if family isn't there to help then.. you final solution is the escape method which is abortion...

    But bottom line is.. my opinion is... shouldn't give birth and put it up for adoption...a child without a family and parental love will limiit their success in life.
  13. shhh lips

    shhh lips Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    that tube thing reminded me of the Alien Resurrection ending where that newly born pink alien got sucked outta that ship through the little hole.
  14. !!!TwiLite!!!

    !!!TwiLite!!! Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    thats true...but if the girl knows that her parents don't like it then she shouldn't have had sex...well there are other ways to escape instead of abortion...there are many of those clubs/organizations for women who are homeless and need a person to talk to...idk..
  15. wguan_86

    wguan_86 Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    but why would you want your life to slug like that for?
    at the age of 18..can a girl realli start out on her own in this world.. i mean ok... the guy is there to provide whateva support there is. but is she emotionalli readi to forget about her future.. and have a bearing kid in her arms almost 24/7?

    But definatel at the age of 18.....there's nothing better to do but to find support within family financialli emotionalli physicalli n in anyways possible and try to keep your status...cuz we are in the 21's centurty now..my parents might be old school but i've met somet that are pretty down to earth with the 21 first way of thinking..... and ultimately... common would you parents realli be that cold to cut you off like that.....(other than realli traditional parents)

    I hope everything goes well akademik.. keep us posted on what kind of decision she made.
  16. Myolie88

    Myolie88 Banned

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    hey late is it be4 it's considered abortion?
  17. remix

    remix Guest

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    Here's something to add to the discussion: What if the baby is mentally defected? What would you do then?
  18. jct8

    jct8 Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    Why bring a child into this world when you can't give him/her everything he/she deserves, if you can't give that all those opportunities out there.
  19. popalopa

    popalopa Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    I think the girl should really see what options she has. I sometimes think that abortion is just the easy way out of an unwanted pregnancy.

    Career is not an option. I don't think that because you have a child you can't go to school anymore and stuff like that. Just put it on hold for a few years. What is a 3 years in all your life compared to giving life.

    Now if it is a child of rape or genetically ill/mentally defected I might consider. If you know your child 's gonna die in 20 years anyway, should you mind? I don't know, I think you have to experience it to have the answer. For the rape stuff, I read articles of mothers whith "rape children" who love them to death. So same thing here, I think you have to experience it to have the answer.

    Well the whole point is that I think that with some of thinking, the girl will always find a solution that could work without aborting. So that's why I say that I feel abortion is an easy way out. But well, the final decision belongs to the mother, no matter what.
  20. aznboi08

    aznboi08 Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    abortion is good and bad in some sense, it really counts on the scenario and the purpose of doing such a procedure