forgive me if i'm mean, i just think if he/she found it difficult to face each other this method is still acceptable
i wouldn't think its ok eventually u'd probably stil run into them or wateva its always best to settle the issues in person regardless how it is
Definitely not a good way. When you meet up to do it, it shows him/her that you're serious. And your partner can see that you're not lying or joshing her. Plus you can explain why. Do it clean. Tell your partner as gently as possible and comfort her/him a little. Would be less painful if she had a shoulder to cry on, even though you caused her pain.
I agree, always do it in person, it shows your respect!! you can send her a sms in advance before meeting up in person to give her a heads up, but that's as far as it can go. doing it in person is the right way.
the previous posters are correct. its like breaking up on msn, and thats the WORST thing you can do.. youre asking to get shot in the face with a sawed off shotgun at point blank lol
totally not ok. u shud pay the least respect to dat person u once luved! am the face-to -face person!
Gee, this is really getting from bad to worse. I have seen people being fired by SMS. This IMAO is already very rude, but breaking up via SMS! I just ask myself did you ever cared about each other?
if someone has the guts to break up with someone they should have the balls to do int in person its respect for the person plus doing it through sms may lose you (not u but i cant think of another word) a friend a best friend.
Doing anything via SMS is unacceptable. It is not an inpersonal notification of where the party is (which shouldn't use SMS either). Unless one is a jerk/b!tch and have to break up with multiple partners at the same time, SMS is not justified. It's just bad manner and show that the person you are breaking up with does not deserve your respect.
People do it all the time... breakin up via smses... Even celebrities. I would say it's probably OK for kids 15 and below to do so.. but other than that; don't ever resort to sms to break up. It's a cowardly, irresponsible and insensitive act... If a person ever breaks up thru sms-es, he/she doesn't give a damn about the person and definitely not worth crying over. If a guy does that to me; I'll probably give him a piece of my mind and move on.
not a good ideas... u will run into them eventually. If you tell them in person, then it cuts the string right there..
breaking up with someone over a text is such a gutless way at least have the courage to do it face to face. I mean it the least he/she deserves, so if i was you i would seriously re-think about breaking up by text as its a) cheap and b) gutless
Hehehe!! Yeahhh give me 5!! If u dun have no guts then u shouldnt get into a relationship in the first place!! Blahhh!!
^ my thoughts exactly..whoa its like we're on the same length haha -lol i mean comeon breaking up with someone through a text meassage is so lame and not to mention so cheap...i mean its bad enough you're breaking up with them but with a sms that deserves a -shoot
Yeh... I mean how would u feel? C'mon ur breakin up with them as it is... Now over a text!? -dead Jeh jeh... We are sum ling serng tong -blush