why the hell is it so damn hard to plain and simply say no these days. i mean, do like the ads say..just say no.
LOL yeh I know guys like that. >.< Her parents don't let her date either. She's a girl too. lol. They say 16 is too young. haha cuz some guys are sensitive? It hurts their ego when they get rejected.
no thats what i thought when my friend recommended it.. but its actually a korean comedy/romantic and its hilarious!
of all the choices babyrain put up, i'd say "i'm just not interested in a relationship right now, sorry" and make sure not to pursue any other guys for a while.
LOL...i would drive the guy of when hes trying to hint me that he likes me by talking to him like im a guy...or when hes trying to *couw ngor* guyz usually say things like...i wonder what u would look like in s bikini...ill say...ill look like a flat tire...lol...if u keep up wif it...he'll know that u have no interest what so ever in him...lol..
Just say "niente por favor" w/e that means or say it in another language so he won't understand and tell him to look it up later and by then you won't be around to see his heart shatter into a million pieces. >=D
lol @ casshern, maybe put in ur sig "I HAVE A PENIS" of course that still leaves like a .001% chance of you being something else btw, that parent excuse WILL WORK, cuz it's not like your friend is all over him anyways, cept once u say that, (in order not to hurt him) u can't get a bf anytime soon... like a year or two. or... *shrugs* date him, who knows, maybe he's Mr. Right. just... be catious, and... try to have a friend around for the first week atleast. and... no kiss'n... don't lead him that far. if it doesn't work out after say.. 2-3 weeks, drop him. (process for that can be argued in a new thread later ^_^)
LOLLLLL hahahahaha perhaps you wanna change your avatar again XD or like winter sky said: in your sig you should write "i have a penis fyi" hahahaha
Best is just say the truth "No" instead of making stories up. It hurts the guy's ego more if he finds out that she's lying.
say sorry then NO !! and make up some reason 1. ur not my type 2. i just dont feel that way about you 3. i only like u as a friend 4. i dont want a relatioship right now 5. etc etc etc
Honesty goes a long way. If you are sincere, you at least can be at peace with yourself. And if he genuinely likes you he would understand.