what would you do if you died and went to an eternal hell

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by master_g, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    ^i see it more like this: we're born of a sinful nature and it is that sinful nature that leads us to hell. repent of your sins, make Jesus Lord and Savior of your life, genuinely make an effort to stop sinning (although it may be a process because even Christians make mistakes sometimes) which God can help you with and when you die (or when Jesus comes back), He will judge you then. what i'm saying is, you have an option called free will to change your path; whether to hell or heaven, it's your decision.
  2. chickennutbred.... what did u want me to clarify, anything in particular?
  3. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Although I am a Buddhist, I don't believe in Hell and eternal Hell or the 18 stages of Hell :) Think about it; if God is compassionate and ever-loving, why would He want to set you up in Hell for eternity? He wants you to learn and to better yourself. There is no such thing as a vengeful God. I just can't picture a scene where those who sinned will burn in Hell eternally and those in Heaven sit around with the angel playing a harp.

    Here's what I believe in the after-life... Reincarnation.
    Basically I believe there's a physical body and there's an astral body (which Christians call as soul)... So when we die, our astral body connected to our physical one by a silver cord (similar to the umbilical cord at birth) will be freed when the silver cord is severed.
    Our astral bodies will then return to the spirit world; for judgment... and then to decide whether one should be reincarnated; or evolve and move on.

    Reincarnation is the act of coming back to this material world from the spirit world. The time sense on a material world and that of the spirit world is quite different. and so one can learn lessons much faster on a material planet than one can in the spirit.
    People keep coming to Earth - or to other Earths - in much the same way as one goes to school, where it is intended that one shall learn certain lessons. At the end of the school day (death) one returns home.

    As one works through one class, one is promoted to another class until one has learned, in theory, all that the school (this Earth) can teach (life lessons) and then one goes on to a higher grade of school, and from school to a college or university.

    In much the same way one comes to this Earth, and then keeps coming back to the Earth to enter different classes. When one has learned that which the Earth can teach, one moves on to a different world, just as the adolescent moves on to a higher class at school.

    As to what happened precisely when a person dies; I believe in this --

    The astral body will travel to a place to undergo PURGATORY... This is not Hell in the strict sense, it is nothing like the one which is usually portrayed. It is more like a HALL OF MEMORIES in the astral world.

    There is a short stay in 'purgatory' where the soul, or Overself, sees the mistakes committed in the life just ended...
    This purgatory is not a punishment centre, it is not the local jail and there are no devils who gleefully prod you with red-hot toasting forks. Purgatory is merely a planet where you shed some of your conceit, some of your illusions, and where you face up to the fact that although on Earth you had loads of money, etc., and people were afraid of you, here it is quite different, you did not bring your money with you.

    After the said process; then one will either be reincarnated back to Earth; or evolve to the next dimension (graduates). There are nine dimensions existing, we are upon a three-dimensional world. Unfortunately, it's quite impossible to picture a fourth or fifth dimensional world to a person living in the third dimension.
    For example, a one-dimensional being could only exist upon a line. People in the fourth dimensional world would view us as what we view a one or two dimensional being. (like a cardboard)... there's a lot more to dimensions; but that would be too much to explain here -^_^
    #83 BabyRain, May 9, 2007
    Last edited: May 9, 2007
  4. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    ur after life is complicated....
  5. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    I take it you wld rather believe in the notion of eternal hell or heaven then? :p
    Actually it's not so complicated if u believe in the concept of school.. hehe
  6. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    heaven..hell...who knows these days..right..or is that how the saying goes..hmph...
  7. thanks for reply, youve obviously put alot of time and effort into that. its true some do say how could God put people in hell etc but we got to remember that he gives us chances time and time again. its possible that from today no man ever goes to hell but its not realistic because man would prefer to ignore God and go about his own business. sinful man cant stand in Gods presence, sinful man is so far gone that it took the death of Jesus to save us.
  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Yes God gives us chances time and time again; and that's why I think that when we don't learn what we came here to learn; we get sent back again to the Earth; just like school kids who don't graduate.
    I don't believe in eternal damnation...

    There is a God, it doesn't matter what you are going to call that God, the God is of good, and no person is ever called upon to suffer beyond his limits. There is no Hell save that which your guilty conscience will impose upon you (and if you do not have one when you are alive on this Earth; you will have one when you are at the Hall of Memories) that place which is the repository of all knowledge, where every act, either good or bad, ever done by any person, is recorded.

    God is not just the Head of a big Corporation, or an old fellow who wears a long beard and carries a lantern on the end of a staff, or sits at a throne and decides which one of us should go to Heaven or Hell. God is a great Force which can be comprehended and understood when one is out of the Earth body; and in the astral world. At present upon the Earth, one is in a three dimensional world and most people could not comprehend God.

    What do you term as free will? Is it really FREE WILL when people are promised with Heaven if they embrace Christianity and Hell if not?

    IMO, the world lacks religion. So many religions are busy fighting against each other. The Christian, for eg. well it should be that Christianity IS Christianity. Instead, the Church of England and the Church of Rome hail it as a great spiritual victory when they can speak politely to each other... They are all Christians, aren't they? Why do they treat members of any other sect (or religion) as criminals, as people bound for Hell? What does it matter if a person is a Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim? We all believe in our own form of religion and all forms of religion should be respected. After all, in the eyes of God, aren't all men equal? and in the eyes of God, all creature are equal whether they be horses or cats, etc. If we are all equal; then there's no really whose religion is better/ the right religion.

    With due respect, it seems that the Catholic world is much the same as Communism; the Communists try to inflict their belief on everyone regardless of the other person's wishes. The Catholics also, try to force their religion down another person's throat and they utter direful threats of eternal torment, eternal damnation, and all that rot.

    One will die, just the same as the Pope himself. And all that matters at the end of the day is, have you lived your life according to your OWN personal belief? You won't find a fat priest ready to answer for your sins after. He won't take the blame for anything. What you do and what you do not is your own responsibility entirely, and you answer to yourself only, not to an avenging judge who is going to sentence you to an eternity in Hell.

    I find it hard to accept when people are promised a place in Heaven as long as they are willing to repent. What if a man has sinned all his life; and 10 days before he's dying, he embraced Christianity and says, "God, I believe in you now. May you save me a place in Heaven. Amen". Because there is such thing in the Bible that said you could be guaranteed a place in Heaven if you believe in Him.

    IMO, it's wrong to influence one's free choice of the Path of life and spirituality by promises of sweet time spent eternally in Heaven or eternal damnation to Hell if you don't. To compel a person to take a certain Path against his will is useless, it merely adds to the Karma of the person compelling and does no good to anyone.
    #88 BabyRain, May 9, 2007
    Last edited: May 9, 2007
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Without the night, there can be no sunshine; without evil there can be no good, without Satan, there can be no God; without cold there can be no heat. Without extremes, how can there be anything? Just like the Chinese believe in the Yin and Yang... there must be negative or there cannot be positive.
    So good old Satan, keep him going for a time because without Satan, there could be no God, without God there could be no Satan because there wouldn't be any humans either.
  10. we believe God is supreme and infinite above satan and anything else. but i understand what your saying.
  11. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Be cool and stay cool :)
  12. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    religion always seems to bring a few of the most interesting discussions...to say the least..
  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you"

    that's my religion... :p
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Lol. Indeed. I am not even sure if it's really written by a Buddhist or some hardcore Christian that tries to drive their version of Christianity into others by making fun of others' religion and portaying other religion (unfortunately in this case it is Buddhism) as ignorant and hilariously dumb. What a shame.

    I tried hard to be the best monk I could and to follow all the precepts of Buddhism. At one stage I moved to a cemetery where I lived and meditated continually.
    What the heck? Move to a cemetery, live and meditate?! What is this guy thinking? I have never heard of Buddhism teachings that say,"One must learn from meditation next to a person's grave". That's like making a blatant joke out of Buddhism teachings, which is why I doubt this article is even genuine.

    I tried to attain such inner peace and self-realization that even when a mosquito landed on my arm I would let it bite me instead of brushing it off!
    Again the writer tries hard to poke fun at the religion, a very tastelessly bad joke.

    The king of hell replied, "Yes, he was a good teacher but he did not believe in Jesus Christ. That's why he is in hell."
    So you Christians or maybe should I say the tasteless writer believe in a King of Hell huh? How does he look like? Does he hold a pitch-fork like the Devil himself and sits on a throne; and watching the fire making sure they don't get put out?
    Refer above for my post on eternal damnation to Hell and Christianity.

    He replied, "This is the one you worship: Gautama [Buddha]." I was very disturbed to see Gautama in hell. I protested, "Gautama had good ethnics and good moral character, why is he suffering in this lake of fire?" The king of hell answered me, "It doesn't matter how good he was. He is in this place because he did not believe in the Eternal God."

    This is a complete insult to Buddhism; and definitely I shall not waste any minute reading the stupid senseless article and even wasting my effort in commenting because I believe not only this article is NOT genuine, it is made by a so-called believer in Christianity; whose beliefs are sadly clouded by his own delusions of what his religion should be; and resorted to poking fun and even blatantly insult other religions.
  15. aye this is true, there certainly are rulers in hell, you could say satans very very high ups. whereas the lower levels go about the earth pretending to be departed humans etc. the bible doesnt mention a pitchfork etc, its a stereotype, like the devil is red, and ghosts walk around with bed sheets over their heads.

    at least you are not claiming to be certain. if your willing to take the risk then its up to you.

    P.S. If you take a look at that page youll see many examples, that was the only buhddist testimony so the others should be easy to digest.

    P.P.S when reading the testimony, i never laugh once, i never see any jokes in it and i hope he is still alive preaching the word. the only joke made was your one about pitch forks and thrones (maybe it was some kind of sarcasm), but i wont hold it against you, maybe you were angry. God bless
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Wait, I am sorry, I don't get you..
    What risk? I am not even aware that I am taking a risk here. Again, I stress trying to force your religion unto someone by simply promising Heaven and Hell is completely ignorant and unjustified. I am sure even your God (I am so reluctant to use this word; Your God... but in this case I believe that's how you see it) would not advocate such a thing as,"Believe in Me, child... or you'll go to live in Hell with Satan himself".

    To imply that Gautama is even in Hell; that shows how ignorant you are, or the person who wrote that silly article. I could probably set up a website and post some articles myself of some Christians going through silly experiences..
    "I saw Jesus rotting in Hell" yes Buddhists have this 18 stages of Hell (although I personally don't believe in it)
    "which stage?"
    "The 18th stage coz he doesn't believe in Buddhism"...

    How then, would you feel? Would you believe me if I told you these articles are genuine? Would you say,"Yes I am sorry.. You are probably right. I am taking a risk believing in my religion. I should convert to yours"... LOL. Now do you see the irony here?
    Are you trying to imply that concept of eternal damnation to Hell again to me?
    lol. Even common sense would tell you it's very lame to imply those who simply believe in Christianity would go to Heaven and those who don't would go to Hell.

    Now even if I believe in Christianity, which would you want me to be? Catholic or Protestant? Who will go to Hell and who will go to Heaven?

    Christians themselves almost go to war as to which sect is the TRUE sect, lmao. Christians preaching Christianity do not show Christianity to Christians of another sect. Look at the Protestants and the Catholics, you would think they had bought up all the front row seats in Heaven the way they go on!
    Catholics seem to think that Protestants are evil people; and the Protestants are quite sure that Catholics are evil people. Most Christians are so frightfully sure that there is NO WAY TO HEAVEN except through the door of their OWN particular little Church. Most of the Christian priests are scared stiff to discuss anything and who can only talk in platitudes or parables. It's easy for a priest, with an absolutely assured income, to prate on to some poor impoverished sufferer about "God will provide". BUt it's NOT so easy when YOU are the poor impoverished sufferer.

    A religion is a useful thing for inculcating spiritual discipline provided the religious leaders are NOT fighting among themselves.

    If everyone else in the world thinks as you; I am afraid the world come to a huge religion war. Why does one care what religion he is in as long as he does good? Are you trying to tell me that someone like Gautama or the Prophet Muhammad who did nothing but goodness in his Life gets sent to Hell because he is not a Christian; and someone who rapes, kills, robs practically sinned every minute of his life until his last breath, where he said, "Jesus Christ, Lord, I believe in you. Please save my soul, Amen" and God materializes before him and tells Satan, "This one is mine"???
    Does that even make sense? Common sense or otherwise. The answer is obviously NO it doesn't.
    If your notion of God is sadly clouded by some misinterpreted and mistranslated lines in the Bible; then I am sorry.

    God is a God of Kindness, a God of Compassion. No one is ever condemned, no one is ever sentenced to eternal damnation, there are no such things as devils who jump up and down on one and plunge pitch forks into one's shuddering body. That is all a FIGMENT in the imagination of crazed priests who tried to gain dominance over the bodies and souls of those who knew no better in the olden days. There is only hope and knowlege that if one works for it, one can atone for any crime, no matter how bad that crime seems to have been. No one is ever 'extinguished' or abandoned by God.
    Christians always say, "God loves us". God is a kind and understanding God. Why should we then fear someone who loves us? Do you fear a really kind and understanding father? If I am not a Christian, am I supposed to face some wrathful God who will stick a hay-fork into some part of me and toss me straight down to old Satan who will have his branding irons all ready???

    Are you aware of the Tibetan Book of Dead? It was not written in English, it was just translated to English by some creepish Christians who altered things a bit to make it tie in with the Christian belief of hellfire and damnation. That is all a misconception fostered by priests to bolster up their own power in much the same way as some misguided parents frighten their children by threatening to call a policeman if they don't behave.

    Do you even know the history of your religion? I asked you two questions on your Bible in the other post.. and waiting for your answers, if you have any. :)
    #97 BabyRain, May 9, 2007
    Last edited: May 9, 2007
  17. oh my god.. people write essays in here O.O

  18. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^ More like the theological debate of the century.
  19. ^ lol yea its all theological considering there IS no proof to be used as evidence to support their claims..

    HINT: just post up some factual evidence, and you could EASILY win your debate :p