what would you do if you died and went to an eternal hell

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by master_g, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. Hi babyrain

    those who Jesus knows will go to heaven, and those he doesn't know will go to hell.

    Many will tell me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your
    name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty
    works?' Then I will tell them, 'I never knew you. Depart from
    me, you who work iniquity.'

    one of the BIGGEST misconceptions is the thought that an evil man can say the above with his last breath and be saved. i feel sorry for those who try. do you think God can be fooled?

    ok ok, giv us a chance, are u talking about the questions "do u think adam is first human" and "what do i think of the bible" ?, if so, i did answer them.

    i know nothing of the Tibetan Book of Dead, do you call a man a Christian because he says he is. its a shame there is division in the church, there are some catholic's that are truly saved and many that are not, there are many protestants that are truly saved and many that are not. The bible makes it clear that the road to damnation is broad and the way to God is narrow. im sorry if i sound like an illogical idiot, tbh many people thought the same of Jesus when he walked the earth too, so in a way ill consider it an honour.
  2. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    i always wondendered about hell....did lucifer just claim it or did god give him that territory?
  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I thought Lucifer is a condemned angel? But whatever.

    @master_g: Well, we can never really know whether one is religious and faithful to the lifestyle of the religion now can we? Thus we just take the other's word for it. And really, I guess if hell exists then it is getting VERY crowded down there...

    Another question: to burn the so-called witches, it is murder right? So do those mob get to go to heaven? Personally I don't think any of those mobs felt bad (or sinful) to have killed because conveniently the ones they killed are the evil ones. So they won't repent (there's nothing to repent for if it is righteous)... and so... Hell?

    Or does God got a special place for them since they are so devotedly blind and such a good herd?
  4. hehe, hell is more technical than you think, ill give it a go.

    Hell is a realm created for satan and his angels "Originally", because humans walk and die in sin, even after Gods greatest sacrifce, men will suffer in that hell too. Satan and demons can go to hell and leave as they please, they have not yet been bound but some fallen angels have been bound in chains because of what they did in the book of genesis.

    unfortunately, when unsaved humans die, they are sent to hell, and in hell they are open to torments by demons untll judgement comes. when Jesus returns Satan will be bound in hell making him and his fallen angels actual residents of that place.

    when Satan is loosed from hell one last time he will be defeated and tossed into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the real deal, current hell is nothing in comparison to what's going to come. after that, hell itself along with its people will be tossed into the lake of fire, at this point Satan, his angels and everyone else will suffer.

    people tend to confuse hell and the lake of fire, but eventually they will become one.
  5. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    well in that same sense hwo about hte holy war then in the war so many people have died fighting for the cause of religion so according to that shouldnt they be equal to your mob hiake?
  6. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    So what happens when judgment comes and after being judged?

    If Satan is defeated; does that mean evil cease to exist?
    What happens to those who get tossed into the lake of fire? Do they burn eternally? How about those in Heaven? What happens to them after the bad guys are defeated 'one last time'?
  7. no way, they committed the sin of murder, they will suffer the same final fate as the witch. God could have brought that witch to him, but instead, that mob cut the witches life short. paul is a good example of this, he killed many Christians and he thought he was doing it for God, but God gave him a revelation as shown in the bible and he became one of the most dedicated Christians this world has seen. unfortunately that mob never learn from pauls mistake and they will pay the price.

    certainly not

    hell is more than enough to hold who it holds, it wont be crowded at all.

    depends on how well you know them and how often you see them but yeah its true. a poll was done in America and it showed that most Christians have a lifestyle no different than non Christians. so are these people really Christians (living by Jesus' example) of course not.
  8. yes, evil will cease to exist, which was caused by pride in the first place.

    unfortunately for them, yes.

    they will live with God for eternity, after this is over we will give no thought to the old world.
  9. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Eventually the people who commited those atrocities will burn in hell if they dont repent from their murderous acts.
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    So okay, it is now where it is getting confusing: so if they repent, they would go to heaven? Wow, let me rephrase the who "bad guy going religious at the last breath" question. What if someone repent EVERY SINGLE TIME he/she commit any crime/sin (rinse and repeat)???

    And yeah, the road to the so-called God is really narrow indeed. You need to think he really exist, then you need to live sin-free or repent on everything you've done.
  11. forgiveness doesnt work like that, if your truly sorry from your heart and you 'WILL' abstain from this sin then it will be forgiven, if not then it wont be forgiven. it like Christians who smoke and ask for forgiveness, its impossible because you intend in smoking again.

    anyone can say forgive me, but weather it comes from the heart is another matter. if someone challenged you to go upto a person you hated and tell them you loved them for 1 billion pounds im sure you would do it. BUT no matter how much you tried, it wouldn't be Sincere would it. its like this too when you ask jesus into your heart and when you ask forgivness.

    i know God exists because i saw the Lord Jesus with my own eyes when i was a child, before i knew who or what God was, before i knew about any religion and the stuff i saw. weather you believe or not it down to you but i guess i have the advantage of KNOWING.
  12. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Master G pretty much summed it up regarding repentance. We dont need to think He exists because we know that He does. No one can live sin free but through His power, we can attempt to focus on what He wants us to be.
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @master_g: I am sorry, I am in no shortage of money that I put my dignity for sale, not for 1 bil pounds or any number of pounds. I am not the forgive and forget type, so no amount of money would change that. It's like you asking me whether I would believe in God if I end up in the hypothetical hell, the answer is no, because it is against my nature (or nature in general) to "go back to pre-judgement time and start believing in God"

    Hang on, is this question an attempt in evading other questions? Maybe I am thinking too much. Anyways.

    Again, it all boils down to whether you THINK you have seen God or it's just a illusion by some satanic demons. I guess if I don't have visions or appatritions to begin with, I wouldn't have to worry about "believing" in the wrong thing.

    @wind: Somehow everyone in the Christian faith have apparition =_=b How can one believe in a faith based heavily on anecdotal visions is totally beyond me.
  14. it was a general example to show the point i was making.

    correct me if im wrong but ive answered EVERY question put my way.

    i am 110% sure of what i saw as it happened for a reason and the reason was made clear. so for me its not a case of "THINK" im more on the lines of being "SURE". but then again, solid proof would be explained away too eh,

    if you was judged by God and sentenced to hell, you still wouldn't believe in him?, then again i could imagine people in hell saying to themselves "this is not happening, it must be my brain waves" etc

    huh, what type of person are you then?
  15. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    @ hiake Not every Christians have seen apparitions. Its more on the sense that we have this "warm feeling" of being cared. It all comes down to opening your heart and give it a try. Dont let logic interfere because once you start thinking, you are already disproving that He exists. -^_^
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Well I am a Buddhist and I get this 'warm feeling' too that someone's watching over me. So what gives?
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @master_g: I don't know what kind of person I am, but I am quite sure I don't do forgive and forget. And yeah, hell. Torture is torture, but at least I can say I lived my life in free will instead of submitting to threats.

    @wind: as BR says in the following post, how can you be certain that such "warm feelings" is attributed to the Christian God?
  18. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    @ br: is it really a warm feeling at every moment of the day? or merely just feel good for a while?
  19. i have a solution.

    we wait until we all pass away, and we will know the answer to all :D
  20. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    And then starting to question to nature of the "warm feeling" of others =_=b

    @dann: We wanted to know where we are heading before we get there... I think. The discussion will never lead anywhere but at least I hope to learn something new (which thusfar hadn't)