Do you ppl believe in God?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by imp, Jan 29, 2005.


Do you ppl believe in God?

  1. Yes

    91 vote(s)
  2. No

    66 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    43 vote(s)
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  1. good question hiake, when the holy spirit is guiding you as you read he will guide you unto all things. its not easy to explain to a non Christian and the bible makes mention of this.

    God is spirit, i tend to put man/woman down to humankind, but God is masculine. After all Adam was created in Gods image and he was male.
  2. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    so according to those words adam is the closest being looking like god right?
  3. ohh no, adam and eve are prolly the 2 humans that have been closest to God for a time for they saw God as he was. Remember God is infinite, its impossible to 'look' like God, if you caught him up, he would be an infinity ahead of you in an instant. what i said makes little sense just as looking like God makes no sense. in heaven Angels and the saints will 'Reflect' Gods glory like mirrors, but of our own power, there is none. in Gods image, and looking like God (in terms of personal glory) is not the same thing.
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    @Master_G: I'll reply to u after I get some sleep later..
  5. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    ahhh i c i c so umm does that mean that angels dont have like actualy human like features?
  6. no, angels are spirit, but if they want to appear a certain way to us then they can. just like a demon can appear to you like a dead relative or friend etc

    plus there are many different types of angels, some have eyes all about them, some have wings, some look like flames of fire etc
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ And somehow it is POSITIVE that it isn't angel's doing? The whole dead-relative-comes-back-to-visit appatrition/vision... =_=b
  8. yes this is not really departed humans but demons/fallen angels.

    Angels of God do Gods service, they dont come pretending to be dead humans, nor do they work of there own accord, everything they do is the result of a command from God.
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Before I give you the answer, do you want to dwell upon those words again? Because you can easily find the answer if you look at it properly...

    Gen 4:17-18 – “Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch. 18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech.”

    OK, let us not debate on where the land of Nod might be because the Bible doesn't tell us specifically where Nod was except to tell us that it was east of Eden. However, the world that was in existence at that time was completely destroyed by the Flood (read Genesis chapters 6-9). Some of the pre-flood geographical names have been carried over and used after the flood to name rivers etc. that now exist; e.g. Euphrates River, and Tigris River. But because of the Flood, Eden and the pre-flood rivers that had those names no longer exists in the world today—and neither does the City of Nod.

    Anyway, the location isn't that important; but the big question is;

    Where did Cain’s wife come from?

    Even though incest wasn’t currently an abomination, this verse says Eve gave birth to Cain and then Abel. It doesn’t mention any other children for the time being. So I think we can rule out anyone from the Adam genealogy. Where would Cain find the population to begin the city of Enoch? Right now, only Adam, Eve, Cain, Cain’s wife and Enoch exist.

    Note also that in Gen 4:14 Cain was scared of wandering, for anyone who saw him would surely kill him. Who??

    Other discrepancies that supports the notion of Adam NOT being the first man created:

    This probably goes against everything you have learned about the Torah.
    If you read from Gen 1:27 through 1:37, you will clearly see that God created man on the sixth “day”. You may assume that this was foreshadowing Adam and Eve, but on the contrary; I’ll quote Gen 1:30: “And it was so”. Every other time God said something was done, it was done.

    He did not declare victory then rest for thousands of years. In Gen 2:1 it says that all was done. How could all be done if God did not yet create the supreme mortal ruler of all the earth? Remember, when God created Adam it was after his Sabbath rest. Now, I know Gen 2:5 says there was no man to work the field, but it doesn’t say there was no man. The Garden of Eden and the world are two different things. The former exists within the latter.

    The reason I believe focus is given to Adam and Eve is because their direct descendants consist of Moses, Abraham and Jesus. What does this all mean though? This means that there was a possible gap of anywhere from 1 day to a few million years that man roamed the earth prior to God creating Adam and Eve. This also brings me to my point in the previous paragraph.

    God said there was no man to work the field. Prior to Biblical times, people lived as nomads – according to archeology. God created the first men as ignorant as canines. Adam and Eve were special because he taught them how to work together in a civilization. Think about it. History suggests that until about 4,000 BC people were undeveloped with virtually no technology. Carbon dating finds human bones millions of years old. Yet, for those millions of years, we didn’t advance one iota. Suddenly, technology and society stormed our ancestors. Could this have been during the time that God was “resting”?

    Note also Gen 3:16.

    “"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;”

    “Increase” is the keyword in this line. How can you increase something that hasn’t been experienced? Had nomadic humans been reproducing for thousands of even millions of years?

    Gen 4:25 - “Adam lay with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, "God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him."

    While this doesn’t prove, it infers that Adam and Eve only had two sons when Cain was exiled from his lands. Was Cain worried about a mob of Eve’s daughter running around Nod? I doubt it.
  10. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^ A lot of things have never been explained or mentioned before by sciences, should it be considered as non-valid and unacceptable?

    Not being noted down does not mean that things did not happen.
  11. I think that is stretching it a little far. There are many things it DOESN’T say.

    You seem to think that a human said "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;”, God said it to eve, so it makes perfect sense.

    I doubt Adam and eve only had 2 children at that time, keeping in mind they lived over 900 years and were commanded to be fruitful and multiply. Also every child of Adam is not recorded in the bible, just the ones that made more of an impact it seems.

    also the time of Cain’ birth to Abel' death could have been over 100 years, Adam and eve would have obviously have many more children during that time, and the children would have matured and had children.

    Also, don’t you find it strange that strangers in the land of Nod want to kill Cain, maybe because they were Abel' brothers and sisters, nephews etc

    I’m sure that after Abel died, eve had another child, and many more.

    Everybody on earth originates from Adam and eve, nobody is more superior to another, and everyone has the same origin. I can imagine people running about saying “you descend from the first men as ignorant as canines, but I come from Adam and eve blah blah”. It’s a terrible fallacy.

    I enjoyed this question, thanks
  12. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    If this is your argument; you can probably interpret everything of your own beliefs which is not mentioned in the Bible to be something that happened...?
  13. lol i dont think he meant that
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    To start with, the Bible was written many many years after the actual events related. Further, the Bible has been translated, and mistranslated, and retranslated many many times. It is similar to what is known as hearsay.
    I may tell you a version of the events which happened; and you tell the next person; and definitely there's bound to be mix-ups here and there.
    The Great Priest So-and-so demanded a new translation, then someone else came along with a fresh translation, and then King James I or somebody decided that he would have an authorised translation. Through all this, though, there is a GREAT strain of truth, because the real truths never die, they can be concealed to a certain extent, but to the discerning the truths are always there. In the matter of the Bible, there are strange records written in the mystery language of prehistoric ages.
    My point is you cannot take the Bible at its actual face value. You would not take the actual black and white letters precisely as they were written, you cannot interpret them literally, you have to use SYMBOLOGY.
    Besides; writers were hired to compile the books on the same lines using as far as possible the tales and legends which had been passed down (with all their inaccuracies) from person to person. For years after yrs, various committees sat to edit, delete and alter passages that did not suit them. Eventually a book was written which may not teach the real Belief, but which was in effect advertising material to enhance the power of priesthood. Throughout the centuries which followed, the priests who should have been assisting the development of mankind, actively hindered it.

    The Bible is an esoteric book, and of course it is connected with the Indian, Chaldean, and the Egyptian systmes of symbology. Christ went to Tibet and after passing through India and studying Indian religions, He actually went and studied in Tibet and came back to the Western world with a religion basically of the Esat, but which had been altered to suit the West.

    If you doubt this, remember that if you study the Indian systems, you will find that all the glyphs and numbers are to be found in the Indian systems, and if only these wretched scientists would have a correct reading of the Bible, bearing in mind anthropology, ethnology, chronology, physiology, and all that, they would have a very much greater understanding of all that there was in history, for the Bible is a most invaluable aid -- if one can read it CORRECTLY - to what went on in bygone ages. Before one can read the Bible, one has to know all about the Chaldean Hierophants, from which one gets knowledge of the Quabalah.

    So you know the story of Moses and how he was found in the bulrushes by the Pharaoh's daughter. This happened about 1,000 years B4 bcoz there are certain tiles, known as the Babylonian Titles, which give the story of King Sargon. He lived a long time B4 Moses, a very long time b4 Moses, and this story abt a baby boy being found in the bulrushes was the story of King Sargon. The book of Exodus was not written by Moses, as has been generally believed, but instead was made up from various prior resources by Ezra, and in connection with this Book of Job is the oldest in the Hebrew system and certainly dates long before MOses.

    Furthermore, any of the great Bible stories such as Creation, Fall of Man, Blaming of Women, the Flood, Tower of Babel, were all written long before the time of Moses. These stories are actually rewritten versions of what archaeologists know as the Chaldean tablets.

    Some discrepancies in the Bible, for eg. consider the first part of Genesis: God said, "Let there be firmaments", and a second GOd obeyed and made the firmaments. The first God said, "Let there be light" and the second God commands some other God who must have been a lesser God bcoz he did the bidding of the first.

    "Let there be light"... that does not mean daylight, sunlight or artificial light. It means instead spiritual light, it means lift the soul of Man out of darkness that he may perceive the greatness of God.

    My point is at the end of the day, is, you cannot take a Book :

    "The Bible was written over a period of 1400 to 1800 years by more than 40 different authors. The Bible is a compilation of 66 separate books, divided into two primary divisions: the Old Testament (containing 39 books) and the New Testament (containing 27 books). It is believed that all of the books of the Bible were written under inspiration of the Holy Spirit."

    written ages ago, in different sittings, by different authors at face value and claim everything written in it is the truth. Well, how do you know its THE truth? Also, it says under the INSPIRATION of the Holy Spirit... which some of what was written could possibly only be the author's own interpretation of what he might think the Holy Spirit inspired!
    The Muslims have their Holy Quran; and they can claim that their version of what is written is THE truth. Truth is, no one knows. No one can actually come up and says,"Yes I know the Holy Bible is the truth and everything else recorded in other religions are FAKE".

    You do not have to take every teaching in the Holy Bible to be what God wants you to believe in. If that's the case; it would be suggesting that all the other records made thousands of years ago by other religions are fake; and that is definitely an unjustified claim.

    You can be tolerant of other religions and choose to believe in the Goodness and Kindness of God. Never be preaching eternal damnation to others who may not share the same beliefs as you; because that IMO is written by a bunch of priests trying to 'threaten' us into embracing their religion.

    I don't go around disrespecting Christianity; in fact I think some of the teachings are great but at the same time you shouldn't go around saying that only YOUR religion is the Truth, and everybody else shall be damned for eternity. You may argue that you have seen God and all; but how do you know other people in other religions have not seen their versions of God as well? There are miracles happening in their religions and were recorded down as well. Are theirs merely made of images conjured by demons and Satan whilst yours is the authentic true God? And how do you support that? How do you know? By your own claims?
    "Because I know"? or "Because the Bible says so"? and then it goes back to the argument of how the Bible came about.

    Others can say the same thing about THEIR version of a religion so at the end of the day; it's just going to end up in a bickering of what humans think and believe as God's Words but in effect; is their own twisted versions.
    So I say why waste time on arguing whose religion is better; when all God wants us to do is be loving and caring towards each other?
    #254 BabyRain, May 9, 2007
    Last edited: May 9, 2007
  15. another essay O.O

  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Take time to read it Dann :p
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @wind: science never claims to able to explain everything at once. It's more like a puzzle where we need to find each and every piece of the jigsaw.

    And religion is like giving you a picture and tell you it's the whole picture...
  18. can you summarize it for me pweaseeeee -tongue2

    i can catch up with the summary quickly whether its just 3-4 lines ;)

    pleeeeaaassseeeeee? -innocent2 -lol
  19. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Summary :
    My point is at the end of the day, is, you cannot take a Book :

    "The Bible was written over a period of 1400 to 1800 years by more than 40 different authors. The Bible is a compilation of 66 separate books, divided into two primary divisions: the Old Testament (containing 39 books) and the New Testament (containing 27 books). It is believed that all of the books of the Bible were written under inspiration of the Holy Spirit."

    written ages ago, in different sittings, by different authors at face value and claim everything written in it is the truth. Well, how do you know its THE truth? Also, it says under the INSPIRATION of the Holy Spirit... which some of what was written could possibly only be the author's own interpretation of what he might think the Holy Spirit inspired!
    The Muslims have their Holy Quran; and they can claim that their version of what is written is THE truth. Truth is, no one knows. No one can actually come up and says,"Yes I know the Holy Bible is the truth and everything else recorded in other religions are FAKE".

    You do not have to take every teaching in the Holy Bible to be what God wants you to believe in. If that's the case; it would be suggesting that all the other records made thousands of years ago by other religions are fake; and that is definitely an unjustified claim.

    You can be tolerant of other religions and choose to believe in the Goodness and Kindness of God. Never be preaching eternal damnation to others who may not share the same beliefs as you; because that IMO is written by a bunch of priests trying to 'threaten' us into embracing their religion.

    I don't go around disrespecting Christianity; in fact I think some of the teachings are great but at the same time you shouldn't go around saying that only YOUR religion is the Truth, and everybody else shall be damned for eternity. You may argue that you have seen God and all; but how do you know other people in other religions have not seen their versions of God as well? There are miracles happening in their religions and were recorded down as well. Are theirs merely made of images conjured by demons and Satan whilst yours is the authentic true God? And how do you support that? How do you know? By your own claims?
    "Because I know"? or "Because the Bible says so"? and then it goes back to the argument of how the Bible came about.

    Others can say the same thing about THEIR version of a religion so at the end of the day; it's just going to end up in a bickering of what humans think and believe as God's Words but in effect; is their own twisted versions.
    So I say why waste time on arguing whose religion is better; when all God wants us to do is be loving and caring towards each other?

    haha... be cool :)
    #259 BabyRain, May 9, 2007
    Last edited: May 9, 2007
  20. LOLLLLL its still as long XDDDD

    BUT!!! i will try and read it :D

    thanks! ;)
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