When you purchased a new product do you read the user manual? - Yes, how else do I know how to operate? - No, too much reading work - User manual? What is that?
I am one of those who are really worried about breaking something right out of the box @_@b So I usually read the user manual to get the basics down (at least once), then it's improvision time
But aren't you too exited with the new purchase? Most electronics have a brick of an user/owner manual ... Which will take ages too read and to understand ...
Nah, not really. Coz if I don't motivate myself to read the manual in the beginning, I will end up NOT reading it at all and miss out all the cool but more obscure features I just try everything in the manual by following the instructions
depends on what it is... i've installed plenty of hard drives into computers, am I gonna take the time to reread the manual from each retailer? no... lol but every motherboard is different, so i do pick up the manual and give it a looky over first...
Even if the product is something I'm familiar with, I'll at least skim the manual to see if the manufacturer decided to be weird and throw in a quirk or two. If the product is something I've never used before, you can bet I read the manual to find out all of the millions of ways I could use and abuse the thing.
Maybe you're just showing your age and can't keep up with technology anymore. -tongue2 Actually, I'm just creating an out for myself because that's what I do now... -whistle
takes too much energy to look at a book with too much information. it shud just tell me how something works and thats about it ><"
if its a brand new gadget, yes otherwise you might miss out on some nifty functions, if its something i already know like a microwave, no...
I usually do, although you can figure out most of the items it is the special features, or clarification of functions that I find from reading the manual. I skim through each page quickly.
ye i would but not every words ussually will look at a quick guide to it if not available ... screw it then will look for it if i'm stuck ,,,, that havent happened yet