what would you do if you died and went to an eternal hell

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by master_g, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. i told you before! im too lazy -tongue2

    ohhh someone here is feisty ;)
  2. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    I am not going to go deep at all. In fact; I'd haf to refer to my notes if u want me to be detailed... so I would just say they told us about Christianity; how it came about; what they believed in (minus the eternal damnation)

    When you say Jesus is the only way; it doesn't sound so offensive. But when you talk about eternal damnation that's a whole different story!

    And seriously; I doubt God would actually want you to go around spreading the word that He's going to do the dirty (send us to Hell) if we don't listen to Him... it's just like threatening a child with a cane if he's naughty... and that child would just submit to the 'caner' without question. And of course; if you talk about being a true Christian; the most important thing is understanding and believing in it.. but how you going to do that if someone just submitted to it due to fear?!

    God would want you to spread more kindness and love in this world; and probably tell people to do good and not evil.
    If you are spending more time helping with charity or the unfortunate ones; I bet it would chalk up more brownie points than just spending time preaching eternal damnation.
  3. first of all, you seem to be real mad at me lol, oh well.

    i highlighted the word (stereotypical), that usually implies that the person considers something to be stereotypical. if you still dont understand it i will happily retype it for you.

    hehe, regardless of weather you understand what i type or not, i like the way you switched it on me.

    Oh and pls, tell me what the beliefs are of these christian friends of yours, conserning Jesus, Heaven, hell. could you also tell me what is worse, eternal hell or Jesus being the only way (IYO).
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    I understand the meaning of 'stereotypical' totally; thank you very much.
    And sounds to me that you are the one stereotyping your Heaven as a place with a bunch of angels playing on harp all day.. NOT me. :)
  5. oh my god... at this rate.. you both are gonna surpass me post count wise... lol

    lets just chiiilllllllll :)
  6. If a person is ever going to become a christian then they MUST no about heaven, hell and jesus being the only way. it will push some away, those who want to find their own path i guess but its important that this is told.

    will a person walk into a furnace because you dont tell them about the raging fire inside? No they wont cus they will see it and leave.

    if you think walking with Jesus comes down to brownie points then you have it all wrong.

    P.S in the bible Jesus spoke about ETERNAL HELL more than heaven itself. its real.

    will a person become a Christian because you dont tell them about eternal hell and Jesus being the only way?, No they wont cus they will see it all in the bible and leave.

    ok ok, i give up, you win
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol here are some alternatives to jesus :p




    Izanagi and Izanami (created Japan)


    lol jesus is kinda cool too though


    seems like the kind of guy u could get high with
  8. you know.... people think buddha is a God... but hes not actually... hes just a being of high rank.. God is in fact greater than Buddha himself, but since he is so high up, buddhists pray buddha instead...

    this needs sources... but ive heard somewhere..
  9. i bet those on 56k dial-up are loving you right now lol
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    buddha is kind of a man/deity... which is basically what jesus is anyway lol
  11. lol what are you talking about XD
  12. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    if people with 56 K still exist they are probably over 70 years old and not interested in this forum.... who the hell uses 56 k anymore.. its 2007 lol
  13. you wud be surprised lol
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Again; you touch on the Bible. You seem to be referring to the Bible more as your religion rather than God Himself... Ok ok, i know you are going to say that the Bible is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

    But seems that someone conveniently dodged my points (which are quite valid) on the creation and origins of the Bible itself.

    I believe the point on eternal damnation was emphasized (possibly 'added in' but I am not going into that bcoz it's just gonna come to another fruitless argument) by some over-zealous priests in the old age when they try to introduce Christianity and spread it. And what is the fastest/easiest way to spread something if not fear and submission?

    And if you believe blindly that your God is all about eternal damnation and not about helping unfortunate ones and doing more good in this world; then I am sad to say you are quite a misleaded one.
  15. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Exactly.. I thought I have made a post on Gautama Buddha? and you were in that thread replying to it didn't you?
    *suspicious* probably jz spamming without reading huh?
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ie. HIM
  17. REAAADDDDD LOL im tooo lazy to read!!! hahahahahaha

    but i trust you! so dont worry i understand what you wrote even tho i didnt read it lol
  18. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Gratias tibi ago
  19. God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for humankind. God himself subjected himself to pain, torture, ridicule and hate. He took all sins on himself so that we can escape HELL if we believe in him and follow him. If a person wants to throw that back in Gods face and say no thank you then...... Gods a loving God, BUT he is also a just judge.

    man will be judged by his own efforts unless he is in accepts Jesus' free gift of salvation. the bible makes clear that all mans deeds are as filthy rags to God cus we are sinful and God is Holy. brownie points mean nothing.

    you say how could God do that without realising that it is being told to you NOW, it will be no surprise but your own choice.
  20. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    What the heck!?

    *Dann is gay. He made love with a dog the other day and believes humans may procreate having sex with a dog and give birth to human-pups.

    so u agree wid me.