^that's info you dont need to know, who says reno even knows eh??....lol Ooo its 1.43 in the morning right nowww! Goodnight!
hey!! u're in the same time zone as me lol.........i want reno's masters degree =p................sugarcutie u still owe me dinner =)
^Really? Didnt know toronto was in the same time-zone lol, ku. you are one lazy booger...lol wanting poor reno's masters >.< goodnight..O yea! how is school going??? You better be getting good grades and doing your work now...lol anywayyy, how late do you stay up?? Im so tired now.. Probably wont stay up to read your reply lol
lol i knew u would b up!! and i was done skoool since the 20th!! thast y i neeed a joob =p.........im so desperate taht im gonna apply at the mallss.......i sleep at least 4 and wake up at least 2pm everyday since skool was over lol....still deciding if im gonna drop out of my program next year and go into business.....so hardddd........WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!
lol go to sleep you crazy person...lol jk really?? thats great congrats!-bigclap -clapclap -bigclap lol im going to sleep now, seriously lol I'll ask you about the program thing later on today. gooodnight!
theres no gain for me, since i already have her age and my masters =D so... NO =P so who haf u been staying up for huh =P
lol sleeeepin late is bad for old ppl =p jks jks......r u still sleeepinggg lol wats her age then if u know...U DONT KNOWWWWWWWWWWWW
just cos i know doesn't mean i gotta tell =P and wat do i get out of it? mayb if u offer me a nice proposal, i'll consider it =D since ur the one who seems to "NEED" to know... lolz it doesn't woryr me too much heheheehhe
nooo i wanan get into business lol....im in a hospitality degree program thinkin of goin to a business diploma program =p......help me find a jobbb u get an ecard lol
i don't even know lol.........im really confused.......should i do something b/c of money or bc i like it lol.......i don't even know wat i like =p
dw im stuck in same position of deciding... tho i kinda already decided... =/ heres one perspective u can think of u work somewhere that isn't the best nor what u exactly like, but u don't mind doing the work there, not too straining etc and u get paid decently and then get paid more n more as u get pay rises... in the end this is all just for $$ now x years later, u've saved up enuff to survive. then u can go work somewhere that u actually have interest in and like with less $$. money isn't everything, but without it, doesn't mean u can survive or get along... but of course, it all depends on the available opportunities at the time ecard aye... depends wats on it? lol one containing stuff of sugacutie? ehehehhe
^ I mostly agree with what reno said, all except for the ecard lol Anyway, kdotc, seriously, what do you think you'd like to do for a living?
this is my options.........switch to mechanic for 1 year....or go into business admin and work in an office or stay in my program and work as a manager at a hotel or cruise ship or convention centre.......i hate lifeeeee.....or i can just gamble my way out of education =p
lol dont hate life.. btw, I asked what would you like to do, not what are your options...There's a difference...lol I cant see you in bus.admin.. but maybe.... that will help you mature abit
lol wat i wanna do if ceo or gm or any compnay....automechanic is good but its really hard work...i don't konwa wat i wanna do...i thougth u were gonna get a good job and ill be ur personal assistant who gets 50k a year =p
keep in mind, if ur just doing admin u can only get so far.... done admin b4... it sux >< well theres not much really to do.. but its hell boring decent pay, but no potential to get any higher so i left lolz tho i've been there for 1.5 years can't believe been there for so long
lol 50k? Thats not a lot of money. I use to want to get into auto-mechanics, not for a job but lol I was very interested in it. Have you ever thought of getting into the medical field?.. Next year I'm going to start my nuclear medicine technology courses.. I can make up to 80k a year or more doing that, which isnt tooo bad in my opinion.. =) Thats true, only so far you can "climb" the latter.