honestly does anyone want to be in the north? its kinda the like the china taiwan thing which side are you for?
isn't it obvious that the south is better? I mean the north requires lots of foreign aid and recently they've been rejecting it, so the ppl there dont have that much food to eat. There was some photographer from TIME magazine who published some photos in TIME a few weeks ago. And from looking at those, the people there looked really depressed. Also the clothes they were wearing are all the same and plain looking, mostly just black/white/gray.
communism isnt badz itz just that norht korea has a corrupt goverment i thinkz. living standardz in china is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than north korea takin account to what shh_lips said. so comparing taiwan + china with north and south korea doesnt really work
North korea of recent has been suffering from famines. Thjis is due to the enfrorced Sino-US embargo and blockade- doing. The us has been stopping food, energy supplies and other neccesities from entering North Korea. North korea is now comiong out of this crisis, as the South is now ignoring US demands and trading with North Korea, CHina is also increasing its trade output It seems every nation US blockades and put under an amnargo suffers and famines follow. Lokk at Zimbabwe, which is under an EU-US embargo, Cuba since collapse of USSR has been under US blockade (thoguh things there are getting better due to Venezuelas trade). Iraq, Bill & Madeliane were responsible for 1.5million deaths between 91-2001 because of the NATo sponsered embargo and blockade- which prevented even asprin being exported to Iraq
littoazngirl... I love your image in your sig of JaeJoong! Oh and the US hasn't stopped at all. It just appears that way because the main focus is Iraq. I know at least 15 people personally that are stationed in North Korea. I hate the US as much as anyone, but they didn't stop. But you're right they all do suffer quite a bit.
Hmm.. NOrthern Korea is a VERY scary place. They arent even considered a communist state.. they are more like a scary dictatorship. Only soldiers, and politicians live an okay life there. And even teh soldiers and low level politicians get beat up for fun.
heh the north is a funny place....you do something wrong and a second later your taken off the face of the earth
roflmao... if u enter into N. Korean without permission... 95% chance you will be shot right on sight... I'm pretty sure I would perfer S. Korea. About Taiwan... i dont see the whole point of seperation... i dont c any good involve...
yeah aren't people not allowed to enter or leave north korea without special permission from the government? I also heard they used to kidnap south korean movie stars and made them act in north korea. I think north korea's government aren't feeding their people, but using them in nuclear weapons research...I wouldn't live in north korea
South all the way. the North is just a scary place. The dictator flys chefs all over the world to cook for him, but yet his people starve to death. They still even have public executions and if u do something they don't like, they put u and ur whole family in a work camp til you die.