I really want to know how human feel if they only had few days to live and most likely they're be depress or gone berserk.
Stay with loved ones and let them know how much ill missed them and etc etc, dont particularly have to do anything.
Some of your poll results are kinda scarey man. But I would: Go skydiving Go bungee jumping Eat all of my favorite foods Have crazy sex with my wife Rent a ferrari and do a little street racing
lol crazy sex with your wife eh... its kinda funny that it would take the prospect of death to make that happen -tongue2
Revenge on the enemies first...because it's too easy and obvious to say to spend the last days with your family and friends and I like to be a bit deviant and shocking at times. -devil And stuff myself with all the best food in the world I can get in 3 days.
spend my time wit my girl.... my brothers, my parents and close friends.... cus its gonna be a while b4 i see em again in heaven ... spend a lil more time with my girl cus ill reallly miss her..... n my brothers too
definitely will spend all my time with my family, I'm gonna miss them so much! gosh, just thinking about losing them makes me teary already.. I hope I won't know in advance because otherwise, I think I won't be able to stop crying.. =(
Hehe, no, but I sure as hell would want to do it a few more times before I die lol... You have enough money to do that dude? lol j/k Lol, life would literally be too short to indulge and waste on hate. If you're as naughty as Elizabeth Hurley was in Bedazzled, I'd join you in hell *wink*
I find it odd that one option is "donate your organs"... I thought that only involves signing a form/card and then you become an organ donor -huh 3 days? I probably will see all my favourite films with my loved ones, share good food.
Guess they can run away from justice with it. They are going to die and yet have to ruin someone's else life.
Thus TWISTED... I think "get revenge on your enemy" is like a monumental waste of the precious little time one has on earth @_@b
errr go find everyone that i have once owed an apology or something that i've done wrong.... look for my ex-gf....tell her i still wanna be her....
Odd as it may sound... I didn't reply to this thread coz I am still thinkin of what I shall do .. -rotfl
Neh, what if I find renewed energy out of that? And it's not like I have that much enemies, so I think there's still enough time left to play on earth. Babyrain? List? -pirate