Wow, double standard! Why is it that it's OK for you to get a virgin, but the girl not good enough to deserve one? If I were still dating, I would prefer a woman who's experienced (as long as she doesn't have an STD). Virgins tend to be emotionally very clingy and very passive and somewhat boring in bed (both guys & gals). Wouldn't everyone want a pro who could really satisfy you?
good answer... plus kinda unfiar if guys can slp with whom ever they wish but girls are just spos to wait for some guy to marry them......
most guys I know likes virgins, but I personally think that non-virgins are more wild and knows how to please better. if you're a man, there's no fear of comparasion, right?
^ hahahah true that true that!!! I hate it when guys compare though, they just won't stop asking you!!! lol
who a good boi ? me?.... i aint on the girls side... i just think a girl thats had time to play has less likely chance of cheating on u later on becauses shes had her taste n doesnt have any more questions in her mind...... plz..... IM NOT SCARED!!!!!
hahaha i give u the benifet of the doubt (maybe mke u feel better about urself at least for one moment .....better to say nice things than mean )
ohhh i know ill give yall the benefit of the doubt (i assume u are until u prove me wrong .... better than assume yall ugly until u prove me wrong )
lol i dunno? bc i think alota guys like experience these days... it seems to me that non virgins are more popular