hehheheheheheeh ill give u a biiiiiiiiiiigggggggggg migraine so u can be happpppppppppyyyy =p...............goooooo ssssssllleeeeeeeeeepppppp lol
Maybe it would be good to have your family doctor check up with the electrolytes and such to see any anomalies. Yoga would help for the stress.
Wait a minute. You are in a warm country and you said that you sometimes have a migraine when you wake up. Can you tell me if you sleep with AC on? AC is extracting moisture out of the air. Perhaps this is a possible cause ...
u shold know by now that kdotc stalks ppl and does stuff to them while their asleep! so don't fall -sleep when ur near him =P
Interesting conversation... Kdotc..-devil @wind2000: Just curious...did you by any chance read the whole thread?.. @ Mav.M.D lol thats my nickname for you now lol: I dont think so.. I just woke up today with a slight pain..not a migraine, mind you, but just alil headache and the a.c. wasnt on last night...
lol!! dead meat...we'll see..lol jk M.D. is a medical doctor.. I think it's the highest level.. and "Mav"... is short for "Maverick" which is uhh, you..?
Bored? Then go find a job, you menace..lol jk How is that going? Found a mall job yet?? Mall jobs can be fun, I use to work in one a long time ago.
ya im kinda lazy to call places or too shy lol im like lookin on forums on which pokemon i should train hahahaahaha