LOL...i like my own skin to be smooth and white... for some reason i just dunt like the TAN look... my mum is really pale and my dad looks phillipino but for some reason i turned out like my mum... i was
wot if he/she has acne like a pepperoni pizza with scars n stuff?? that wouldn't b a problem for u?? -ohmy
Of course it's a problem.. that's why i said go for facials or treatments; take medications, chemical peelings; whatever Having no money to do all the above that'd be a problem.
Some Asians look good smooth and tanned too... Never really understand why Asians are so white-obsessed @_@b
Really??? some of the "whiter" skinned girls I know appear yellowish... while the tanned ones appear, well, tanned And I tell you, yellowish white is not very attractive...
Nah, not me, I got perfectly even skin tone -evil GUH >_<bbb Too quick... "This forum requires that you wait 45 seconds between posts. Please try again in 21 seconds."