my mother used to suffer from severe migraines too.. to the extent that she sometimes vomits =[ .. hmm.. but a few years back she started practising yoga. and she said it helped her a lot ... so you might wish to pick that up .. just to give it a try... no harm in exercising anyway
Thank you lol I dont mind exercising, I do exercise 5 times a week for 50 mins. For some reason, Im just not interested in Yoga..Thank you for the suggestion though
Sth I googled: Cool your eye muscles with slices of cucumber. This is a wonderful way to relax yourself. If you have had a hard day or have had to be out in the sun for long, the best thing that you can do to soothe yourself is to apply a slice of cucumber to each of your eyes. This is a 100% natural method of cooling your eyes and you will be surprised at how refreshed you feel when you remove those slices after a couple of minutes. Similarly, dip cotton in iced water and apply it on your forehead. This is a way of soothing a sore head. Don't leave on the cotton for too long, though. If you have had a particularly bad day, you could try applying an ice bag to your head. Again, remember that the objective is to cool your head and not to chill it; do not apply the ice bag for too long. Apply a soothing face pack. Face packs are a wonderful way of de-stressing yourself. Many grocery stores and beauty supply stores carry them. You can make your own face pack at home using things that are 100% safe on your skin. One of the best face packs is equally effective for a sinus headache as well as a tension headache is a curd face pack. What you have to do is chill curd in the refrigerator for a few minutes. If you do not have curd, yogurt will do. Then all you have to do is apply a thin coating of this curd or yogurt on your forehead and on the region around your eyes. You must be careful to see that it does not get into your eyes. When you feel that the first coat has dried up apply one more coat. Then lie down with your face up for five to ten minutes. You should never shake your head violently. A gentle shake of your head, however, can tell you if you do have a sinus infection. If you move your head even slightly, the pain will increase and this is a good method of deciding whether the headache is actually due to a sinus infection. If you have a sinus infection, do not continue to shake your head as the pain will increase. Another method is to try bending over. The moment you lower your head you will feel as if there is something heavy inside it. If doing so leads you to discover you have a sinus infection, refrain from bending over until the infection clears. Listen to soft music, preferably without earphones. Practice yoga. It sounds simple, but it really does work. Prayer, too, is an excellent way of de-stressing yourself. Breathe plenty of fresh air.
Breathing exercise: Now pause for a second or two and again breathe in deeply, slowly letting your lungs fill up with all that good, clean, rejuvenating air. Repeat this exercise at least ten times and take your time, taking care not to rush through. When you have done that part of the exercise it is time for the second part. Again sit with your eyes closed, but this time, keep one nostril closed with the help of your index finger. It is best to close the right nostril first with your right index finger. Now breathe in deeply and slowly through your left nostril keeping the right nostril closed. When you have held air for a second or two, release your right nostril and breathe out through it. While you are breathing out conjure up an image of all the toxins being released form your head and the brain especially. And as you breathe in conjure up images of the clean air circulating though out your brain freeing it of all the worries and trouble and lightening it. Repeat this exercise with the other nostril closed and in this way alternate between the nostrils at least ten times. The entire breathing exercise need not take more than ten minutes.
Eye exercises: 1. Stare straight ahead of you preferably at a distant object. 2. Close your eyes and let any glimmers of light fade away. 3. Now open your eyes and move your eyeballs to the extreme top of your eye sockets and keep them there for a few seconds. 4. Now move them down to the extreme bottom and keep them there for a few seconds. 5. Next, move them to the extreme left. 6. Then bring them to the extreme right. 7. Finally bring them towards your nose. Repeat this exercise three or four times a day.
No problem... Well, when you relieve stress from ur eyes; it helps with the headaches I believe.. Actually; I know there are sum simple yoga poses that can cure/relieve/prevent migraines but I just can't remember them right now >.< Maybe I'll google them later n let u know You don't have to do the whole yoga thing; just the specific poses.
lol they kinda worked.. Seriously, at first it did hurt alil, but the pain eased up abit when I did it the second time.. I dont want to be a its okay..-blush
Hey Hey now lol dont pervert my thread...and no, I dont want you to even think about touchin me