i would... the problem is.. i dont have anything to record it with.. lol OH WAIT!!! I REMEMBER!!! i did put a video on youtube! [youtube]tJq5ZzqKMv4[/youtube] -evil
@dann: And no pop song derivatives!!! I want to hear authentic classical keyboard music! Though I must say that Air on G was a soft spot of mine... totally blaming EVA for it @_@b
nah guys... i dont know any viet songs... and plus... STOP lol you can ask SSOOO many other peeps who know how to play piano better than me to record lol
lol were you just searching asian guy playing piano on youtube... without knowing the chinese songs dude was playing?? -lol
-innocent You were the first to surrender the information that you play the piano so we are totally picking on you -lol
@ecko: nah.. i already had the audio version on my comp.. i knew what it was, cause i found this canon variation to be really nice.. and hiake.. pick all you want, cuz i cant play anymore -lol and plus, dont have the stuff to record