yes need to most definitely be virgin... for sacrificial purposes... unless she's a Cheerleader... -devil
Well, human sacrifice often REQUIRES the subject to be a virgin, but the person in quesiton will not be my boyfriend since his days are numbered wouldn't he? LOL
I really agreed that you don't want your gf to compare with the previous guy, because you won't know how the other guy that she had was.
^ LOL, because guys like to screw around and not wanting to take the risk... And yeah, there ISN'T that many virgin on the market as they are being "harvested" at a rapid pace... Very soon virgin will be an idea of history, as there's no virgin below the age of... say 14?
Wouldn't really expect to find a virgin girl these days so easily... virginity is overrated! Why would you compare a girl to a car? If you find a girl u like/love, then u accept her because she's her!.. not because she's a virgin or not lol! If she IS a virgin than take it as a bonus! lol
Agreed with kaken. i got a senario for u guy to think and put yrself into the shoe. 1 day i found a very preety girl... she overall nice, hardworking, smart... someone that always running yr dream and mind. and there u went out with her on a date. u fall in love with her but then she become yr gf. u skru her.... and then bring her out, but one fine day... u found out she was a whore b4 in some club. what will u guy do?
Virgin, Virgin, Virgin, I mean seriously I I don't want to be a bad person but to know that that girl has been like.. penetrated by other guys makes me feel like.. I don't know pretty bad I guess.. I'd prefer a virgin but if the girl isn't a virgin then that's okay..
I would have asked her what her job was before I started dating her. If I found out she was a whore, then I wouldn't start dating her. If she lied and I found out later when I started dating her that she was a whore at a club, I would dump her. I can't imagine what it would be like if I bring her to a gathering, announce to people that she is my girlfriend, and some men look at her and tell me they screwed her before at a club.
Think about it if you are a girl. Would you like it if some guy's penis who's been in other women goes into your vagina? If she told me at the getgo that she was a prostitute, and I am really attracted to her, then I probably wouldn't mind. What's past is past as long as she is whore no more.... If she told me after the fact, I would stop seeing her; not because she was a prostitute, but because she lied to me.
If it's the same girl and i can choose if she was a virgin or not i'd probably go with virgin, because i think first time is the most memorable, (besides the best time). but it doesn't matter to me if she isn't, as long as i'm interested in her.
I am starting to think it's the inferior complex doing its evil working on guys who INSIST on having virgin girlfriends... Something tells me it's not exactly fair that EVERY guy wants a virgin girlfriend EVERYTIME... We just don't have that many girls, virgin or otherwise, to go around.
=.=" I think guys need to grow up. do unto others what you want others to do unto you. How can you NOT be a virgin and still think you DESERVE a virgin? If you're a virgin, I guess you deserve to have a virgin partner. If your partner isn't and you still accept her, I totally admire you. If you've been screwing with girls, and still want a virgin partner, grow up. Really. You weren't resopnsible for the girl whose viginity you took, causing her to be objects of speculation. Ppl will say "some guy put his penis in her vagina before. It's dirty, etc". What about you? She has to suffer because you aren't responsible. (This applies if she gave herself to you because she loves you and really did think about spending her life with no one else but you). This is totally stereotyping. And FYI, It's not ok for guys to go screwing around. Gals dun like guys who screw for fun.