Yay yay...ill make some *gum gut* for u...if u know what that is...lol... who doesnt have msn these days? lol...
yeh! come on guys!! ahem ippy!! lol just sing who cares if it "sad" LOL! im learning 北極星的眼淚 atm! hahahaha* love the songg! hehehehe!
oooo...yay i couldnt sing with the backround music with that song....its hard...but ill try...i cant seem to sing today...lol..
arrgh! the song is hard to sing! as i dont spk mando... and uh.. some words i dont know how to say it in mando.. :/
I think I know, I dont really like the taste of it though, my mother make me that drink once 10 years ago, I didnt drink that much... what a waste... -detect me NOT...
^^LOL...even tho people consider me as CBC...lol i am NOT...lol...i belive in the asian wayz more than the scientific wayz...lol... LOL..u can u the pinyin to the song....just wondering...if anyone speaks mando...is my accent in mando really bad? lol
I believe "chuun pui pei pa low" is good for your voice and protect your vocal chords from long singing. How do i know?............I watch MTV while they're interviewing some rock band and I recognized that bottle of black thing with the orange label. Yes, white band drinking chinese herbal soup.
I Love it...some people doesnt like it...now they come in candy form...lol...well...is anyone gonna post a song? i can read some chiense...but i need to hear the song or read the pinyin lyrics...but reading the chinese makes me understand the song...or i mean the mood of it...
LOL...nah...but i eat the candy tho...lol... but omg...u should post a song up...lol... me and susie are feeling lonely here...lol...
^^^ well at least she posted...lol...lets see u post...lol..welll...i sound bad too..its just a funn recording thread...its not like a competion or anything...
Wtf?! You say no offence and then you go tell people they sound like a corpse?! Did your mom ever teach you some manners or did you forget ur brains sumwhere? -_-2