Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by SugaCutie0, Feb 28, 2007.
^you're not too innocent yourself lmao
I am -innocent2 Was totally being misled by -er Kdot.
errr..of course you were...
babyrain is me si fu....its her fault im liek this =p
-lol Kdot, Not only are you a pervert, but you are a liar too...
^ lol u're bad influence!!!
I am -innocent2 You are the -evil
Gee, all this pervert talks is giving me a migraine ... Back to the topic: Migraine
yea. back to the topic. da perv might have one hand in his pocket while typing away 2.
@Mav: -evil KDot started it -doh
tsk tsk you people dirtying up the thread gum wut duk ga
-angry It's all Kdot's fault.
^ not your fault again
I agree MavM.D. Back on Topic: Migraines and the Treatment thereof...
thats always the case isn't it? -clapclap
^Yay, someone who concurs with me. ^5 Reno.