Is it wrong to date your bestfriend ex?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by tcckent, May 19, 2007.

  1. don

    don ello

    i think there's nothing wrong with just makes everything uncomfortable
  2. me ho ging ar! :p i know i know.. i sometimes give myself an -clapclap -bigclap for being so ging -innocent2
  3. shuijei

    shuijei Member

    I never understood why it's wrong to date your best-friend's ex. From the way I see it, their relationship didn't work out because of incompatibility. Maybe you would have more things in common with him. As for me, I'm dating a family friend's ex...and I don't feel at all awkward or uncomfortable. It doesn't jeopardize my friendship between a family friend...even if I'm not very fond of her anyways. :p
  4. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

  5. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    well, i think alot of people here are saying it's the awkwardness. and the fact that he/she has "been there, done that". do you really want your best friend to have "been there, done that" with your gf?
  6. i dont get what u said adrianc lol
  7. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    I think I might not mind if it was the other way around. Like if I broke up with my girlfriend and her friend wants to date me, then I wouldn't care that much.
  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    I will explain to you ler... Since I am -innocent2 today.

    Adrianc's reply is unrelated to the thread topic. Topic asking is it okay if YOU date your best friend's ex;
    but his reply is more to the question Is it OK if your BEST FRIEND dates your ex... -_-2

    "I like/love you so much that your wish is granted, and whatever you want, you shall have " to the ex of course.


    He's either saying he loves his ex so much that he lets her have her freedom and lets her be with his best friend if she wants to; or he is just being sarcastic.

    to the ex-stealing friend, wtf are u thinking? I will help u become smarter!!!
    i.e. idiot (IQ=10-30), retarded (IQ=30-50), imbecile (IQ=40-50), hehe. something like that

    To his best friend that stole his (ex)gf, he's calling him an Idiot (IQ of -20), Retarded (IQ of -20) or Imbecile (IQ of -10)
  9. shuijei

    shuijei Member

    Actually, if you're unforgiving, then sure :)
  10. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

  11. waikitfire

    waikitfire Well-Known Member

    i think is ok lo... cause u know her deep enough from previous friendship
    the relationship mostly will just a lvl higher !
    but come to yr best friend part, he might felt that u put a skru driver and dig up his relationship
  12. FOUND IT thnx for explanation
  13. heaven

    heaven Well-Known Member

    Hmm.. I wouldn't say its right or wrong, but for me personally, I wouldnt. Usually, once a friend has a partner (gf/bf), that partner becomes forbidden to me (forever) even if I thought of them as attractive in someway, having a relationship with them wouldnt be a possibility.

    I kno some ppl dont mind tho (eg. my cousin whos currently dating my ex)
  14. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    I don't know what you meant exactly by "unforgiving, then sure". but, it's not so much about being unforgiving or not. to me, it's the ickyness/weirdness ... knowing my best friend been there, done that. i understand everyone has a past ... but your best friend's ex? no thks!
  15. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^I think she meant FORGIVING..
  16. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    well then, i guess my answer is still valid. not about forgiving the girl ... i just don't pick up after my buddy.
  17. heaven

    heaven Well-Known Member

    Agreed =]
  18. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    sometimes it becomes sick when that happens IMO.

    I know these brothers (white doods), and you know what happened?

    One of the brothers had a son with this chick; then the chick ditches him, and went for her brother. Now she has a son with her "new" husband...

    some ppl are really messed up just for sex or something
  19. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    did you meant the chick went for his brother? and her son has a "new" daddy that's suppose to be his uncle?
  20. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    yea. the chick had kids with each of the brothers. so her kids are half brothers.

    ROFLMAO. Really messed up white ppl