girl fighting for love is more intrested then guys their mind and tactic is cool. guys they only ended up in 1 situation!: > fight*
Just be honest and be yourself ! I would.. and if that person doesnt love you back then... 1.try harder OR 2. accept it and let go and find someone else who will appreciate you more =)
I voted for eliminate all opponents. Technically that wouldn't work, but it sounds cool to eliminate people.
well, some voodoo - you let that person drink it. that's how i would explain poison .. how else would you explain poison? if you poison the guyl you like, he's dead ... what do you do? keep him under your bed and win him over then?
Be honest is the best since relationship cannot be based on lies. Besides, the other options will not let you win his/ her heart. You might get the physical part but not the emotional side. Therefore, its a no win situation where the other options are concerned.
Cheat and eliminate all opponents by hypnotizing them into drinking poison, then be honest to her about it, and pray it would work.
If it take extensive "winning", I guess I would totally having the second thought about the person in question. And third... and fourth... So yeah, I do give up easily.
Being a hitman is one of my part time jobs, so eliminating my opponents is a piece of cake for me. (so is the post starter only posting these kind of threads to increase his postcount? You don't see himself seriously discuss in his own threads and I don't see him starting discussions in an other forum than the Love & Relationship one)