i might turn it into a sex story rather than a horror story. besides, i might cheapen your hard work. and that's not a good thing.
^Lol... guys and their sex minds.. Well Okies.. sorry to disappoint you that it won't be much of a 'sex story' but there might be sum 'ahem' suprise in there...
No, really.... It really looks mischievous and cheeky in a cute way and when you ask naughty questions, I look at the avatar and see a twinkle in its eyes... And when you are being innocent, the avatar looks cute and innocent too but kinda funny coz it's holding a pitchfork!
-lol hehe No, Wind, but you'd hope for that wouldn't you Hehe, not supposed to be kinky today .. Sorry -unsure Thank you! I likey your new avatar!!!
That wouldnt be a too bad idea, would it? -tongue2 While im in HK, can i swing by to MA and see that?
Hahaha, no story to be seen... But if u wanna come to meet me; why not =) You are so nice to me that I am sure you are a nice guy in real life too.