I just wonder if any of you have problems with giving compliments to the opposite sex? So the main question in the poll is: Do you have problems giving compliments to the opposite sex? - No - Yes - I dunno
I personally dont have trouble with it, but then sometimes my compliment gets misconstrued into something else<_< thats sad, three months without not even one compliment?... I usually get a compliment at least 2 or 3 times a week about how lovely I look.. *not being vain, just honest*
lol! MavM.D.'s a flirt....lol jk I will admit, some guys do come off as being as the article stated "lecherous," but some do come off as just being kind and honest as well...
Ahh, well, better to play it safe, Mav. lol before some desperate girl calls sexual harassment on you..
Yeah, too many cultures in office ... need to play it safe. So don't expect any compliments from me -bigsmile
lol I remember one time, Oo, a long time ago.. I was temping in some office as the receptionist, and on my last day, one of the office guys gave me a couple flowers and thanked me for being there..lol it was just in the manner in which he did that, it came off as one of the most sweetest things that happened to me at work, instead of it being creepy.. lol so I guess it really is all about how you pay that compliment.
Hmmm sometimes I want to give a compliment to a lady, but it is very difficult if there are lots of other ladies in the neighborhood ... (like lambs the come in packs and are never alone) Here comes the delilmma: - Compliment her, with the risk that the other start thinking things - Compliment all, just to cover up - Compliment nobody ...
Even without complimenting anyone, my teacher still says im a flirt. Back to topic, will definitely compliment where its due.
Mav, It's still Buttercup here... ie. Good. You can tell from my sig -sweat Aww come let me gif u some TLC -hug -kiss1 and to answer your question: No I dun have problems, but if the guy is already quite vain and egoistic, I keep quiet. If he's usually a nice humble guy, then sure, I'd compliment him...
sugacutie, is ur avatar a pic of ur face? cuz if thats the case, imma have to compliment u on that cuz u have nice eyes even tho seen from the side.
you'll have to change your ways when we actually meet....prepare for the biggest shock of your life.....i guarantee your face to be exactly like this -shock