i already did one..its on page 18 for heavens sakes... im watching Lair Game so dunt bother me la...lol
Props to "THF20".... Haha... but there's no rude comment... Shame... Anyways, I'll post mine in a week... LoL I forgot which forum it is.... (On my bookmark), it's like bascially where people record themselves... and they go really pro at it... Haha... I wonder if I can post the link here...
For anyone who want to go "Professional" or just help make the recording much easier... This program is a must: Adobe Audition 2.0 Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/29741064/Portable_Adobe_Audition_2.0.rar It's compacted into a 35.9MB... If anyone actually need help using this... Then I'll write a little guide...
Ooo....thankies AC0110 i bolded ur name to show much apreciation...lol...the one dann or don gave me was too complacated...and im really bad at computer stuff.. lol...so...ya...lol...
this might help.....not so so detailed though http://www.adobe.com/uk/education/pdf/audition4school/auditionguide4schools.pdf
LOL...i sound young? lol..well..i guess i am...im 15...lol... MissAngieCheekS u should totally sing fo us...lol.. doesnt matter what language la....and thankies don for the info...
wuahaha...im SOOO not gonna sing in dutch... Yeah u are young phyyy! 15....hehe...I wish I could be 16 again*sigh* Anyway...I recorded myself whilesinging once....coz one of my friends likes to make beats and I was just singing on em...but its so weird to hearmy own voice...I also dont even know how to upload it and post... too bad
PhY pHy's singing is not bad. Her tone is a bit too high in some places and her closing of her sentences is not natural enough. I rate her a 7.5/10.
phy phy has a cute voice... but i realised she shifted from different keys on one song... still cute...