@Tax: The OP totally is hijacking the post counts by starting controversial threads, so that a lot of people will reply and the thread will not be deleted
I would be honest.. I truly believe that a relationship founded upon lies and deception is bound to fail. Honesty and trust has to be solid in order for it to work out anyway..
Thankies! I wonder what DL stuff he's after...there should be a new rule made just for him: don't start new threads when there are already 4 ones made by him in 1 week. Post count decrease if there's a spelling mistake in the title and the poll. -evil
^Naw, I think the rule should be PEOPLE WHO START THE THREAD SHD INCLUDE THEIR OWN OPINION AND ELABORATE ON IT. AND Tax, my Adversary how you been? Did you do sth evil that you are proud of while I was gone? -devil
^ yeah and add that as an extra rule. -devil I'm fine thanks,...I've finally seen Silk, made a bunch of 4 year olds cry by tossing their toys in the canal, violated people's privacy, got 6 new Contracts and the usual boring stuff in the Middle East.
Oh boy, contracts? So now you are working for someone? Wanna get hired? What did you think of Silk? Go comment on it in Horror!!
Yeah I don't mind to get hired by you, I just need you to sign a simple form, that's it...-innocent2 I'll be off to the Horror topic right now.
i would pray...i mean even tho i might of done everything i could if he doesnt like lito me then i guess i just can pray...lol..
ppffff... i wouldn't bother... just move on to the next one... plenty of ppl still alive out there...
hells no....im not going to edmonton or calgary or where ever phyphy lives to save her -lol too far-dead