I am not avoiding the question. You said you cannot accept what I said about God making mistakes. I already stated the difference between Human Overself and the Great Overself. So in the cases like Joan of Arc; it was one of the Human Overselves that made a mistake and not God (the Great Overself). Yeah I notice.. Dun worrie, I'll reply to that, but not today. Tomorrow probably.
sleep, BabyRain, sleep. no reason to deprive your sleep b/c of this. lol. i slept. no capiche, b/c it still doesn't make sense to me. lol. sorry. the reason for "the recollection of every single little detail of what we did our past and in the currect lives" is to provide and change and guidance into the next. isn't it? or else it would be pointless to show me all of my mistakes ... then in the next life, i don't remember any of them. but the known fact is -- we don't remember any of those mistakes of the previous life. therefore it would be logically to assume we did not have one. you see my point? there is a fault in the analysis. my point exactly. the humanistic standards of being a "good" person is universally and is within all religion. Actually you don't need a religious faction to know the sources of being a "good" person. oh no ... you are going to try to school me on tibetan buddhism too, dann? lol.
wow... b-rain did an amazing job in recapping basically everything i believe in also. BUT, there is a slight difference unfortunately.. ive always believed that animal spirits and human spirits are the same type of spirits.. and what i mean by "same type" is as follows.. say in a person's human life, he committed wrongful acts, such as murder.. he is then reincarnated into an animal... if he learns his lessons, he can then move on back to human form... ive always thought spirits dont categorize into animal or human... but im skeptical about this part of my own beliefs, cuz it contradicts with my next belief.... lol another distinction... well not really distinction, but rather something b-rain didnt mention, was explanation as to why every lifetime, we are always matched up with the same spirits in our family... ie, in one life time, our parental spirits are our parents, and in the next, they are still our parents... like the family structure remains... this was based on my deductions from readings. well according to my readings, our family move in "clans".. that clan holds the family structure... so basically, if a group of spirits in that clan need to learn lessons, they are matched up and are reincarnated, remaining a family structure. like b-rain said, the rest are in another plane of existence. so in my lifetime, my parents, my brother, my grandparents and my future children are but a group of the clan, reincarnated to learn.. you.... you sure as hell are quite blunt arent you.... how do you know the teachings are wrong? id like to know how you arrived to the conclusion that b-rain and my buddhist teachings are wrong compared to the "general buddhist teachings"... you refused all kinds of buddhist teachings what so ever...
uh.. no. im just speaking my beliefs. i dont school anyone. you want me to school you? you tell me. if not? well wasnt my intention to anyways. i can skim this thread cuz you and i got basically identical beliefs except for a few tiny negligeable details..
Just see my previous post right before you... Another example I can give you is this: You sit for a school exam. You made mistakes. Then you go to sit another exam on the same topic. Do you expect the exact same questions??? Because if the exact same questions came out; wouldn't you know exactly what to answer? Similarly to my logic here; one doesn't remember one's past mistakes whilst on this Earth because then it would be too easy for him not to repeat them again. And also; imagine what chaos this World would come into with everyone remembering their past lives??? As to guidance; I already listed the EigthFold Path..
You state the usage of Trial and Error. but this isn't trial and error. since error isn't given to you in your next life. if you cannot remember the faults and mistakes that were make previously. how can you correct yourself or prevent yourself from making it over again? the eightfold path is interesting ... the ideals are really general. why is that? i think master_g was commenting on the fact that if the tibetan buddhistic teaching is correct it would contradict the general buddhist teaching. my brother, master_g ... i'm putting words in your mouth. -sweat
That's what I mentioned as a difference to my Tibetan Buddhism teachings where Animals and Humans don't mix and get reincarnated as one another.. Well, try to comprehend my teachings and see if you can come to terms with that since they do not contradict with ur next belief then... Apollon we are not trying to 'school' you. You are the one coming into the thread asking questions. Now, I suppose you are not thinking that you were schooling us on Christianity when you 'discussed' your beliefs? If yes, then you would be preaching wouldn't you?
I believe my previous post above you already answered your question as to why one shouldn't have memories of their mistakes in their current lives. One remembers the mistakes they made whilst in the Hall of Memories; and then they decide specifically in the circumstances of how they are going to be rebornt into that will suit the purpose of them being able to learn what they did wrong in the first place, etc. So; in other words; much of everything is 'arranged' except the 'moment' of choice in what one is supposed to 'correct' their mistakes.. For example; previously you picked answer A from a four answer options. You can't be just given two options the next time you take an exam, because you'd then know exactly what to pick. You are expected to live almost 'nobly' in every life that you are rebornt into and not supposed to be granted an easy way by recalling the mistakes. I gave you the general Eightfold Paths without a detailed explanation of each of them; of course it would seem general to you. Just as if the Christians listed the Seven Sins; they are so wide and general that almost everyone would have committed them, no? Anyway, I am curious; what is the Christianity's guidance in living then? The Bible? What does the Bible teach...? Generally. What are you supposed to do/not do. Would you be able to say your 'guidance' are so specific that it may be applied to every aspect of each individual's life?!
another way of thinking about it is like this. you already know that coming into a life, you have lessons to learn. there are reasons why we dont remember our previous lives, and that is beyond me. but a deduction i can make is the following. you come to earth to learn a lesson. when you learn any lesson, you want to make sure you learn it correctly. now if you use lessons learned from previous lifetimes, its way to easy, agreed? but see, its like this. you want to make sure you learn the lesson correctly. the best way is to tackle the lesson, WITHOUT using any other methods. essentially, youre learning it the hard way. by learning ANY lessons the hard way, you ensure full understanding of the lesson.. but by using lessons learned from previous lifetimes, you learn in the soft way which does NOT ensure that you learned your lesson correctly. its like math. youre given a problem, and your teacher gives you the formula to solve the problem. ok. thats simple enough, you got your results. but do you understand how you got the results? the best way is to figure out the solution, without the help of your teacher. that is how you know you will understand how the results came to be. this is the same as what scientists do everyday. they dont have the formula, they have to solve new things on their own. in this case, you can say your current life is the problem, and the teacher is in fact the lessons you had from previous lives. you can say we're scientists ourselves lol BUT, because earth is simply ONE plane of existence, when you pass away, you will recall everything you learned from previous lives + your last life. offtopic, but uhh... b-rain... what happened to your post count
this isn't an benevolent force. it is ironic that in order to get out of suffering and pain ... you must go through it. but don't you see .. then the purpose of having this Hall of Memories and that moment which BabyRain explain, we are able to see our whole lives again become irrelevant and unnessecary. i cannot comment on the Seven Sins for i'm not catholic. however, as a Christian, Jesus Christ has given us 2 commandment to live by -- i would say it is specific enough. treat others as you would treat yourself.
Now I am really frustrated that some people never read my posts before asking a question... -angry I believe I did address the issue of karma in one of my earlier posts, no? I think on the first page itself. And Apollon look up at my earlier post #48, AGAIN. They seem to address your current post. @Dann: Lol, prolly they removed some spam?? >.< Lucky they didn't remove the status...
ill give you another analogy. you know that hammer thing at the carnival where you hit it and it hits a bell if you hit hard enough? well that projectile fluctuates up and down right? ranging within levels etc. each level is a lesson to learn. if in one lifetime, you do bad things, your projectile drops, and you have to learn the lesson at the level your projectile reaches. so if in one life you do bad things, the next, you will repeat the same lessons over and over until you learn it. similar to school isnt it?
shes the same as mine <_< and no, if she was the Dalai Lama, i would be praying to her everyday now -lol i uhhhhh better start praying to her before she kicks my ass -sweat O.O.... uhh.... i swear i was at 2200 yesterday.... DAMMIT LOL
noooooooooooo Dan i never mean that lol i dont want to bring it up again cus its old news but i will for you. Babyrain said somethng that was not in agreement with general Buddhist teaching and she pointed that out. So i said is the general Buddhist teaching concerning what she was talking about wrong. P.S i no nothing about buddist teaching so if i said something wrong, it wasnt intentional. lol yes i am sometimes, stressful times with exams an all.
I believe in the Tibetan Buddhism.. that's why And what's yours Jamien??? @Dann: I noe why.. They moved the Dear Life thread.. >.<
Bhuddhist? Not tibetan bhuddhist? I'm starting to grasp this religion. It's very interesting. Is Tibetan bhuddism linked with normal bhuddism?
ok... fine... since she said it... ill tell you mine... my buddhism is a mix... before, it was mainly general buddhism like master_g said... but after a few personal experiences that can be summarized in a frigging 500 page book, it is now a mixture of tibetan (mostly) and general buddhism.. thast why me and b-rain have almost identical info