well i get what u mean but when i said perfect, i really mean it as in 100% sin/mistake free life, which is extremely unlikely =P lets say i only make ONE mistake, do i have to go thru the entire process or will it be overlooked and so on. would be great if there is an explaination for this sometimes a baby die the moment they are born, whats the point of reincarnating then?
i find a commonality in your posts... you think of rewards and consequences.. good and bad... ying and yang... for all we know, the contrasting elements may not even exist =T but, the only consequences i can think of is actually like this... you come back to earth, and you learn and relearn until you learned it. thats the only consequences i can see... do you concur b-rain? or no?
yeah i believe in consequences, i believe the way how we live this life will determine our eternal life which comes next.
?.? So what happens to people who don't care about being wrong? What if the person keeps going to "university" for the same coarse but never passes because he doesn't care? Since there's no punishment how does the HOM motivate a person to learn a particular life lesson?
hmmmm that explains a lot.... but, hypothetically speaking, what if... what if consequences dont exist in the beyond? is it not also true in Christianity that Jesus forgives? he forgives those who have sinned? where is the consequence in that?
thats a very interesting question, but the "not care" is a human characteristic right? i am doubtful the spirit characteristics include "not caring".. i would try not associating any human characteristics to our spirits.. we dont know how they work, so we cant make assumptions based on human traits... agreed?
a very good point there -smart kinda reminds me of my high school days, there are certain subjects im not even bothered with lol and failing it was like no big deal
-^_^ jamien, btw, do u read up on my earlier posts as well about the explanation of the Overself theory? Because that does explain a little about what we are... We are just puppets controlled by the Overself; so yeah; if a person doesn't learn his lessons; he goes back again and again... When you are in the HOM, you do view all your past lives in a different manner, where you will be humbled and such. As for the term 'no punishment', well being sent back to Earth itself is a punishment.
Jesus forgives those who repent and are truly sorry from the heart, if you dont repent and your not truly sorry from the heart then you wont be forgiven. if you ask forgiveness for a particular sin and you dont intend in keeping away from it then you wont be forgiven. tbh there is more to it than that and reqires more than simply saying a few words. i know you never say this but with Jesus, no loophole can be found.
once again... assumptions... we dont know for sure that because the spirit is of a person and that it MUST contain characteristics of a person. you can think of the spirit world as Utopian... we are motivated by the wanting to try and to better ourselves.. we do not need any other motivation.. that awfully sounds familiar... from star trek i reckon..
Hmm... What if you ask Jesus for forgiveness and intended to stay away from it but under circumstances you did it again?
@Dann : =.=" But what you're saying that spirits will always want to better themselves is also an assumption.
Then it means you are asking too many "what if" questions with not much point. To answer your question, you are still punished.
Sorry, it just seems to me Christianity is a much simpler religion if you want a way out... For those who want an easy way, they would go with Christianity because they believe in ONE life and that's it.. Ur done. Do good; abide by the teachings, believe in Jesus, pray to him; then u passed and get accepted into Heaven, a place of eternal tranquility. Whereas the Buddhism teachings are not so easy. One will be saying "Omg i have to do this again and again and one mistake, i am fuked. Yes that's right, one mistake (by one mistake I mean sth major, maybe killing an innocent/raping) and I have to go back and do it all again!" And not only that; guess what, Nirvana is NOT the eternal tranquility place. There are NINE planes of existence and I am like at the 3rd only? I have to go through the hardships yet again in the 4th, 5th , 6th dimension and so on... That's why to believe in Buddhism, one really needs to be able to accept the 'gloomy' concept of rebirth; where contrary to popular belief; if there's reincarnation, there's no punishment. Because being stuck in the cycle of rebirth itself is already the worst punishment... And perhaps I may add; the Tibetan Buddhism teachings are VERY wide.. they cover a lot of stuffs; very complicated... Like to be able to grasp the concept of God, one has first be able to picture the nine planes of existence and the parallel worlds. Once one gets onto the NINTH plane, there's where everything becomes much clearer to oneself.
Depending on the circumstances, if a person, place, job or watever is causing you to sin then you must move away from it. there is no excuse really, if you intend in moving away from the sin and you stumble then Jesus will forgive BUT if you stay by it and stumble then you are choosing to stay close to that sin.
babyrain, concerning religious matters we will never agree, ive accepted that so saying you dont agree with everything i post is pointless. but its a public forum so of course you can post what you want.
i submit that b-rain here has a wider knowledge on tibetan buddhism then i >_< -lol you might wanna look at her for answers and not me lol