Well, we are not here to flame anyone's religion... so let's be nice -^_^ Anyway, we are trying to share our beliefs here... just like what the Christians are doing right? Nothing wrong with that.
God loves us unconditionally and forgives us unconditionally as well. nothing you can do that will stop God from forgiving and loving u.
binded? how so? lol. i can't agree more. -lol nothing wrong. i learn alot about the tibetan religion, thanks BabyRain and others. but Christianity is still the only way.
It's ok.. We contradict each other too... Some people look at the teachings and wordings of the teachings and may construe them in their own ways; their own thoughts.. and the concept may vary...
LOL dan, i was waiting for that AGREED, but when that time comes it will be to late, so it better to talk now.
lol its true... but remember, you follow full tibetan, while i follow... some mix -lol but they both follow christianity.. well we cant talk based on unconfirmed theories now can we?
LOL im sorry, i found that phrasing a WEE bit funny but a very valid refute nonetheless there you go. now that is the same with every religion now isnt it?
10 commandments, 7 sins, and praying and having faith in God is what I mean by being binded. If I had to choose a religion, the first one to cross off my list of choices would be Christianity.
Is it necessary to say that last statement and not just think it but NOT type it?Now that's one of the reasons why I totally disrespect a Christian who says that in your face. It's as if he's just telling you all your beliefs are wrong. Ok fine. Buddhism is the ONLY way... Right back at you.
lol. did you sleep, BabyRain? b/c with this topic --- it is going to a long one. and i'm not going to get into it now ... maybe 2 or 3 hrs later.
oh wow... buddhism... christianity.... atheism.... all in one arena...... dayum lol like i said... whatever you like is THE ONLY way lol