Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by BabyRain, May 22, 2007.

  1. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Uh, okay I guess.. but make ur own thread then.. Coz i think the discussion is getting off-track here... I haf still yet to address some people's queries.. lol that is if i know ...

    Dann, can u help with sum of the queries? <_<
  2. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    No, Dann you must say it like this

    " Whatever you want is the ONLY way"
  3. i think its enough heat for today... what do you say we call it a night? lol

    we can resume tomorrow or something... or continue if you like -lol

    i think im gonna leave this thread for tonight :p

    i might pop in tho :p

    @b-rain there i fixed it for you :p
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    You are not OFF the hook.. You can perhaps help with answering some of the unanswered questions from Jun and MDD.
  5. b-rain, see your thread lol

    it should explain why :p

    but ill try...
  6. because i have to answer some questions, MDD.. was uhh... this your question? :p

    and uhh.. since its quite quiet in here, lets call it a night and resume tomorrow huh?

    im tired myself... i wanna go to bed. goodnight fellow religious people..
  7. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Those are my questions.
  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    DANN!!! Ur running off??
  9. ._.

    yes... i shall stay...

    let me think of an explanation for the overselves...
  10. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry. I am actually quite positive that you and babyrain will come up with an explanation.
  11. the overselves arent Gods themselves.. God as in the definition shared by all of us.

    im not too sure if youve read my posts on Gods, Masters, Angels, and Saints, but the Overself is basically one of the ranks within Gods, Masters, Angels, and Saints.. according to my mix religion lol

    they did not create the 9 planes... and im not too sure who did, but as for who created the Overselves, its like asking who created Gods, or Angels or whatnot...

    and as for the plane of existence... we went over that already didnt we?
  12. Jun

    Jun Well-Known Member

    i think these are the few unanswered ones from me
  13. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Overselves are not gods like in Christianity, I understand that of course. But they are superior beings who have the power and ability to control multiple people.

    So according to dann, the 9 planes are just existing with an unknown creator. The Overselves are superior beings with possibly no creator or a beginning since they are just "there." The planes of existence are also just existing and Overselves reside there.
    And all this is discovered only by Tibetans.

  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Hmm, MDD, what I can say on the nine planes of existence is that I cannot possibly tell you what it is like because I myself do not comprehend how the 4th dimension is like, let alone the fifth, sixth and so on. Then one may go on to ask; how do you know about the planes of existence then?

    Well, what we believe are according to the teachings recorded down years and years ago by the really limited number of spiritually evolved Priests that are able to experience astral-travelling; ie their astral bodies leaving their physical bodies and into the astral planes and such. And from the travels alone, they learnt much. This is in comparison to the Christianity where the Bible was written by writers inspired by the Holy Spirit... Whereas the Tibetan Buddhism teachings are recorded through the priests' own spiritual discoveries/journeys.

    At the end of the day, we can't say exactly that the Tibetan priests are fake or the Christians' so-called inspiration from the Holy Spirit isn't true. We cannot prove/disprove it. So it's just our own beliefs and choice in choosing to believe in that.

    Bear in mind that the teachings themselves never really given a description on how the ninth plane is supposed to be like.. Because that is beyond the human mind at this stage... (Where we are on the 3rd dimension). So the teachings just explained the existence of the planes... contrary to Christianity; where they decribed Heaven vividly.

    There is this thing called the AKASHIC RECORD.. *Dann haf you heard of that?

    Anyway it is believed that the Akashic Record contains much valuable information that one can never comprehend easily... I would try to give a definition of the Akashic Record as well later when I make a reply to ur other questions after my sleep :D
  15. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Lol... -noclue @DANN
  16. ill answer them.

    im not to sure about the very first one.. perhaps b-rain can shed some light?

    but as for the rest, the loop never ends.. i know some may be skeptical about psychics, but there are some that say that spirits can reincarnate over hundreds of times.... there is never an end (altho i cannot be sure of that).

    as for the dead baby, it could be that the spirit inside the baby was in fact playing a role in help teaching the parents their lessons. because, before you actually reincarnate, you make something like a pact... you will agree with others on what you and others will do on earth. so the pact was that the spirit of the baby would play a role in teaching the spirit of the parents what they needed to learn.

    as for the animal part... i was skeptical about my own views on animal/humans lol so i wont be able to answer that for you =T
  17. LOL the end bit made me laugh
  18. ................................................fuck.


    i told you... i dont know overselves enough to explain..... ._.

    good bye, and good night.
  19. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Don't laugh too soon.. I addressed it in #134.. <_< You just love an opportunity don't you ?
  20. oh and btw MDD, the creator is unknown to ME. the overselves are just there because I dont have a fucking clue. but thatsure as hell doesnt mean that others dont know. ask them. they know. i dont. thats why they are unknown to me because i dont fucking know. im a simple buddhist. not a buddhist bible ffs.

    and quit it with the damned sarcasm.