Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by BabyRain, May 22, 2007.

  1. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin


    All it explained is that animals have their own astral planes and evolution.

    The scriptures only explained that animals do go to Heaven, but not the Heaven pictured by the Christian religion.

    The animals have a real Heaven, no angels with goosefeathers for wings, it's a real Heaven, and they have a Manu, a God, who looks after them. Whatever Man can obtain or attain on the Other Side, so can an animal- peace, learning, advancement - anything and everything.

    On a sidenote; the scriptures never even stated how we HUMANS are judged, let alone animals i.e. a set definition of rules of right/wrong.
  2. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Did it occur to you that the chicken you ate three months ago is the chicken you eat today? Recycle...

    Besides; they probably have some other planes to evolve to.

    You might as well wonder how many billions trillions infinity souls are in the astral planes considering there are other beings existing on some other planes?

    Humans like us are unable to grasp the concept of just how the astral plane is, or how huge it is... Like i have already given an example on the 1st dimension and 2nd dimension 'people'. They would have no idea how big our Earth is and beyond.
  3. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Alright finally done with all the issues and questions.....................................

  4. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    What is the purpose of the Greater Overself? The Human Overselves are there to control humans, then is the Greater Overself existing to control the Human Overselves?

    Regarding Babyrain's answer to my question on the 9 planes and the planes of existence, I have read the same explanations before except it was on Christianity and God and the example was "flatland" and a "sphere." I think the explanation is not convincing enough.
    Suppose there are actually worlds that are 4D, 5D, 6D, and so on. Who is to say that it stops at 9D? Perhaps the Tibetan high priests have not reached 10D, 11D, or 12D yet. With that explanation, there is no limit as to how many dimensions actually exist. There is really no believable evidence that there are only 9 dimensions other than the Tibetan Buddhist scriptures. But there is evidence at the moment that there is a 3 dimensional world. The high priests could very well be just wise people who believe people should act "good" and live an ideal life, so they wrote the Buddhist scriptures as a guide for people to follow. The idea about the 9 planes and reincarnation could very likely be created to encourage people to be a good person because it will affect their future lives and the idea about the Overselves could be created to explain things which the high priests could not explain with science back then.

    About the Eightfold paths, they are not much different than Christianity's 10 commandments. Both are teaching people how to be a good and ideal person. However, I view them almost like restrictions for the followers. There are often exceptions in life which require one to directly or indirectly break those rules for the benefit of people.
  5. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Lol, suit yourself... You can't expect to comprehend everything just by reading my posts. Like Dann said, he is not a walking Buddhist Bible ffs. So am I.

    I am just trying to explain... but you cannot take my explanation at face value before you read all of the Buddhist scriptures and judge for yourself.

    The scriptures said there are NINE planes in existence because obviously they have explored in the astral planes through their astral travelling ability. They have consulted the Akashic Records. Your statement is rather unfair because you are looking at it from a skeptic point of view. And why do you care so much about the truth of whether there are nine planes or twelve planes as long as you understand the general theory of it? It's gonna take you a while to reach the nineth anyway.... Why care so much about the technicality instead of just trying to understand the concept?

    I myself don't care whether there are really NINE of the planes... as long as I can accept the theory of planes of existence. The question of how many are there really is just a technical one. I am more concerned with the spiritual aspect and why we are the way we are and the theory of evolution.

    And you said "There is really no believable evidence that there are only 9 dimensions other than the Tibetan Buddhist scriptures." Exactly. Just like there is no way to prove the existence of God. You can either believe or not believe. And perhaps science may one day, be able to at least prove the existence of a fourth dimensional world.

    And think about it, the dimensions and parallel worlds' theories are very real. The problem with humans nowadays is they refuse to believe in anything that cannot be seen unless it is proven by science. Perhaps you can read up on metaphysics?

    You cannot expect yourself to understand the idea of dimensions fully anyway since you are only in the third dimensional world.

    Speaking of science, what is it that you want to be explained based on Buddhism? Because contrary to what you said, they did explain quite a lot with a scientific point of view.

    If you can't believe in the occult; things like a person's aura won't exist to you right? Because to you; a human is just a human. They do not have astral bodies. When they die, they just cease to exist.

    Well now that science has created a camera to capture a person's aura; which proves the existence of such thing; what do you have to say to that?

    On the Eightfold Paths;
    Of course there are exceptions to the 'rules'. Like I said; those are GUIDELINES. it's not a SET of RULES to be followed, and once you break them; you are done.

    When you are judging urself; you'll be given the benefit of the doubt as well as the privilege of any basis of reasons which caused you to 'break' those general guidelines. Like for example, you have to kill someone because of self-defence; of course it is valid.

    Anyway, like I said, I don't expect people to believe or find it logical as long as they are not ready yet. Your choice in life is to be an Atheist, that's the Path you are taking... and according to free will, you are allowed to do so and I am not supposed to be 'convincing' you. You addressed a question to me, and I answered. That's all. I don't expect you to be convinced.
    #165 BabyRain, May 23, 2007
    Last edited: May 23, 2007
  6. oh, and in reference to MDDs question, just on a side note:

    its not exactly correct in saying "our high priests" (called monks btw) have reached the highest plane of existence. we (well i) think they are at a high plane of existence than the rest of us, but not necessarily THE highest plane.

    and no, "Perhaps the Tibetan high priests have not reached 10D, 11D, or 12D yet" is not a correct statement. the great Overself and the Human Overselves are at the highest already. there are only 9, according to readings. its like saying theres another level beyond heaven in your case, which is wrong correct?
  7. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Dann, it did not say in the Buddhism teachings that the High Priests are at a high plane of existence...

    "The most important event in Tibetan Buddhist history, however, was the arrival of the great tantric mystic Padmasambhava in Tibet in 774 at the invitation of King Trisong Detsen. It was Padmasambhava (more commonly known in the region as Guru Rinpoche) who merged tantric Buddhism with the local Bön religion to form what we now recognize as Tibetan Buddhism. In addition to writing a number of important scriptures (some of which he hid for future tertons to find), Padmasambhava established the Nyingma school from which all schools of Tibetan Buddhism are derived."

    So, one can say that Padmasambhava wrote the scriptures based on his ability to astral travel and consulting the Akashic Record; and learn about all these concept that he was able to write about them in his scriptures, and not because he is already at that plane of existence. He wrote it while he was a human on Earth.

    I was wrong about saying it's a group of Tibetan priests rather than just one single person last night.

    But the general Buddhism existed way before some of the Tibetan scriptures when Gautama Buddha Himself laid down the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Paths...
  8. o_O are you sure? i mean...

    perhaps i made the mistake of saying "many" high priests... perhaps i should only talk about the Dalai Lama himself..

    deductively thinking.. the Dalai Lama for example.. he knows more than any of us of course... he reached the state of being able of remembering his past lives.. wouldnt that infer that he is higher more or less than the rest of us?

    (all of this was based on thinking it thru, so i highly doubt it can be true..)
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    He is spiritually evolved or 'higher' than us, but he's not AT a different plane of existence, because he is afterall, still a HUMAN, on this Earth...

    On the other hand, someone like Gautama Buddha who had passed on, will now be at a higher plane of existence... ie after one attains Nirvana.
  10. well... now ive also read that spirits in any planes can choose to be human on earth.. but we shall never know :/
  11. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    I believe my previous post had touched on some of the things that the Greater Overself (ie God) do...

    That the Greater Overself is there to control the Manus. But I cannot be 100% sure that that is the Greater Overself's ONLY purpose, because I would be lying. And I cannot tell you for sure whether the HO are being controlled by the GO, although it would makes sense and I can of course, always claim that to be true. But honestly, I do not know.

    There is a God, a good God, a fair God. But it is rather pointless to attempt to comprehend what is the Greater Overself and His purpose when one cannot even comprehend fully their own Human Overself.

    Just as you cannot comprehend your Human Overself, you can't expect to comprehend the Greater Overself.
  12. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    I haven't come across that yet; but of course that would be the easiest way to explain the 'authencity' of the Tibetan Buddhism scriptures.

    Lol, I wouldn't claim that to be though, I'll try to make a post if I found any mention of that...

    Lots of reading up to do :p
  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    What I think about the Dalai Lama being able to remember his previous Incarnations is because he is already such a spiritually evolved being; that he's getting ready to graduate from Earth and thus, living out his last few lives on Earth; which are remarkably noble ones.
  14. hmmm yea... i havent thought of it that way... but im not too sure about that tho.... meh..
  15. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    There is also a flaw in this.

    Because strictly speaking; we claim that the HOs are the ones who are sending us on to Earth as their 'puppets' to experience and learn. Wouldn't the theory that "spirits in any planes can choose" contradict with that? Because it is not in fact the 'spirits' who choose any planes to be in. It is the HO that decides.
  16. O.O;;;;; uuhhhhhhhh....... ok..

    you did more reading so who am i to argue..
  17. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    You are welcomed to argue...

    But don't you also believe that we are sent down here by the Overselves? If so, that would contradict the theory that some other beings (I dun feel comfortable with the term 'spirits') may choose to go to any planes? Because I thought the decision lies with the Human Overselves. After all, the beings on other planes are 'puppets' to the Human Overselves as well.
  18. what do you call the entity that leaves the body when the body is physically dead?

    all psychics refer to them as spirits... not souls.. i forgot why, but there is a BIG difference..

    im not arguing with the HO sending us to earth (because its similar to the role of a teacher or something), but i am uncomfortable calling ourselves "puppets" lol

    id rather spirit than puppet lol
  19. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Lol, coz you were referring to the beings on other planes of existence as 'spirits' which to the general public and even to you, means it's an entity with physically dead body... which they are not.

    The beings on other planets of existence are alive just like we are...

    Well, 'spirits' to me:

    There are good and evil spirits around (which are totally a different thing from our astral bodies).

    In a case of a "haunted house" I would use the term spirit here. This spirit has nothing to do with the current entities.

    For example, when a person dies in tragic circumstances, and much energy is generated, but the person can go to a completely different plane and even be reborn while the energy (spirit) which was generated will be dissipated in the form of hauntings.

    Its much the same as heating a piece of metal, the heat remains in the metal, although gradually fading, for quite a time after the source of heating has been removed.

    Our Ego, our Human Overself, our Puppet Master, the real "I". That Being which is using our flesh body in order to learn things on Earth which could not be learnt in the spirit world.

    Hmm, so when we die; I'd use the term astral bodies or astral entities or astral beings.

  20. hmm ok.. i think this is where the difference is clear lol

    while you have tibetan buddhism to back up your claims, and MG and the other dude have Christianity to back theirs, i dont have any specific religion to back mine up.... altho im buddhist, my beliefs arent 100% buddhist.... so id rather not debate, because i have no evidence to support them with...