Could there be some confusion going on? Maybe you like that person because he/she gave you the attention and care that you needed from a relationship, hence the "crush".
i didnt think avant was being a jerk for pointing it out. i thought it was hilarious considering the topic and i screwed up the major point of what i was trying to say. now it's made me all paranoid, cause my friend said it mighta been a freudian slip. hahahhahahhah
Hmm... I think you should take some time to think to yourself if a relationship with that person is really what you want. Are you confusing other sorts of feelings with that of a crush? If you're sure, you'd have to decide what you want to do. You must also consider reactions of those close to you. Being homosexual in this society is not easy and not widely accepted. In fact people still think of it negatively. Will you be able to witstand that sot of pressure?It's inevitable that you may lose a few friends and even the trust of your parents. And there's alsothat person you like. Will that person accept you and go through all that I have mentioned with you? There's no shame of being a homosexual despite what everyone says and thinks. What is important is how you feel about this issue and how you wish to address it. And if you decided you aren't homosexual one day, you can always become straight again. Just be true to yourself. ^^ I'm sure you'll find your own way out, considering every issue. But think thoroughly and tread carefully. One way or another, things will turn out ok I guess.
is not a crime to like the same sex that's why there are so many coming out in publicity the society today is much more tolerant then it was way back so it's okay -smart
May I ask how old you are? Coz I was in an all-girls' school and it happened to me a few times having crushes on girls ... lol it's pretty normal, you'll grow out of it.
Well..i just usually think that gurls are pretty... and look up to them...but iv never had a crush on them...but i did have a gurl having a crush on me... it feels weird...cuz gurls tend to be more friendly...but ull never know that she has interest in
I always wonder why guys are so quick in defending their straighter-than-a-pair-of-parallel-line heterosexuality...
hmm...had a crush on a gal.. it felt very unique , so different from a guy ! but it didnt last long coz at the end the relationship was not gona go anywhere!
^ LOL. Or you are just not certain enough that you have to insist? Like real man don't mind wearing pink, real man don't doubt their sexuality so they don't go around PARADING "I AM SO STRAIGHT". Because the manliest guys I know are quite open to this kind of implication, they know what they want and are mature enough to see that indeed it COULD HAVE BEEN an option (a road not taken by them obviously) Anyways. I don't mean to question YOUR sexuality in particular, I just wonder why guys are so quick to defend their supposingly obviously straight heterosexuality... You don't see people going around saying "1+1 is 2" because it's a fact, without doubt (within most context anyways), so we don't repeatedly insist on its truth.
@dann: I don't think I really understand your statement... @_@b @fearless: Well, every single guy I know now possess at least a pink dress shirt, one pink tie (don't ask, they range from eclentric to outrageous), pink handkerchief (I never quite knew why, as I never see them with a handkerchief, pink or otherwise), pink polo shirt and a pink tee... So owning a pink shirt is old news -devil