Well, buying it does nothing to one's hypothetical masculinity, however, being confident about one's own masculinity DOES. And the fact that guys in general are so quick to defend their masculinity is just so unbecoming and shows the lack of confidence...
LOL..gurls now adays dunt go much for the LOOKING MANLY guyz...they like cute emo guyz with a baby face...lol..
Is it only little girls like you who think that way? At the moment, the girls in my area don't go for short 5'6" guys who look somewhat manly with not much of a babyface.
@MDD: You sure you read her post right??? She said girls are NOT into manly looking guys... Well, it's true to most parts... Girls DO prefer pseudo indie guys with babyface
emo boys... honestly tho, you will never see me turn into a little emo boy, even if the hottest woman on earth asked me too -sweat well... maybe not the hottest woman... but still emo = i dont like >.<
LOL..no not that emo...like emotional...lol like cares for a gurls feelings...lol...i knew that gurl by a frd...i thought she was like my sista...but then one day she sed she has feeling for me...i was totally shock... so then i sed...well..sorry...i like u as a sista...and she stoped talking to me for a week then she was alrite...and then for some reason she likes guyz now...lol..
Well, if you're still sorting out your feelings, keep this in mind: do you mean attracted as in you check them out or what? Because humans in general are analytic creatures meaning we love to see things and compare. And I'm sure most people do it: they compare themselves with others be it physical components or emotional/mental-wise.
emos arent the only ones who care for a girls feelings <_< im not emo but i do care.. a lot for that matter <_<