lol ok.. but how lol my beliefs are twisted and do not oblige to any specific religion alone lol ill join the evil side, but im not too sure about the support -lol
EH THAT'S WEIRD............. Mystery of the missing post? I just saw him reserved a place .. PENDING .. and now it's gone missing????
By the way; I wish to clarify on the term 'puppet' that I used here... Although I used this term; it's STRICTLY for illustration purpose only. Never in any sense is it the same as the 'puppets' that humans play with. What I meant by 'puppet' is that we are connected to our Overself through a string; sort of like an umbilical cord; except there are a few other cords existing connecting other astral entities to the Overself as well; that the Overself sent down. And also; the BIG difference here is that while humans CONTROL the actions of the puppets plaything; our Overself DOES NOT control us. We are free to make our own choices in life.. THAT is the purpose of learning anyway. And whatever we learnt; our experiences; are then sent back to the Overself for him to grow. So don't feel so bad when I refer to ourselves as 'puppets' because we are not really 'playthings' here...
Incorrect. It states in the bible that there is heaven, but for all we know, it is a possibility that there is even something beyond heaven. It would be quite pointless to die, go to heaven, and that's it. Perhaps there is another aim in heaven which allows one's spirit to even ascent higher up. Just because the bible states that there is a heaven does not mean there cannot be a place beyond heaven. Thus, one cannot say it is wrong that there is only 1 heaven. Likewise, just because the Buddhist scriptures state that there are only 9 planes, there is a possibility that there are more than 9 planes unless proven otherwise. Why 9 planes and not 10, 11 or 12? Should there not be a reason as to why there are only 9 planes and why there cannot be more?
lol. i was going to pend. however, i wanted to read some of the posts more clearly. beef? ... i'm starting with pork. bring a fork.
First of all, thank you BabyRain for spending the time to thourghly explaining what HOM is in Buddhism. However, i still have some questions in the conception– let me point them out. BabyRain, you contradict yourself with these two quotes - you see, logically if one already made the choice of being “ugly or poor” then one shouldn’t have the option to complain or be angry for the situation they are placed into was their own decision. However, since one cannot remember that they already made the decision to enter this life with these faults – why is it still unlawful to complain and pout (since I would assume complaining and pouting isn’t a Correct form of Thought and Conduct, referring from the EightFold Path)? That isn’t fair … now is it? No, my reference to the post you made – citing just the eightfold path. Therefore, in my opinion I stated that they were written BY YOU in a generalized form. If you have written “do unto others what you would have them do unto you” my response would have been different. Logically the validation of that analogy would only take place IF AND ONLY IF (iff) the “examination” we take while present on earth are exactly the same each time around. IFF that is the case … then will I agree with you that having the HOM revealing to us our mistakes prematurely is a form of “cheating”. However, are you willing to make the statement that every time we come back to this plane – our lives are exactly the same as the previous lives we had? From ALL the decisions and choices we made and are going to make. That isn’t correct. Since Buddha himself came from a wealthy and well-endowed family. Therefore, ultimately how you “lay out the piece of your chess” doesn’t matter. Because in the end, there is a chance that you can begin with a good privilege life and then end up having Nirvana. The other points that you made … some of them I don’t have comments and some I don’t quite understand yet. I’ll do some more reading on these. However I want to end this post with a statement you made yourself – Hopefully you see the irony that statement you give to 無得頂. Why do you view other belief (in my case, Christianity) with such a technical and historical analysis … when you don’t treat your own belief with the same care?
no... MY post is pending -angry anyways, TO MDD ive just had a moment of enlightenment. it turns out, my beliefs were somewhat a wee bit different from b-rains. so what i wrote before was based on MY beliefs and do NOT reflect what b-rain believes...
LOL, i know you are gonna bring that up. And I am already prepared for it... You see, making a conscious choice DOESN'T mean they won't fuss about it... What if i made that choice and I REGRETTED it? Are you aware of the meaning of the words REGRET and BITTER? And also, that is just an example I made. Another example why we shouldn't remember is this: We would be really confused souls indeed. Imagine your born a baby and by 1 year old you can remember you were an 80 year old and how is sex like and everything else?!?! Wouldn't that be funny in itself? Taking away the humans' learning experiences and experiments??? UH, that's why I TOTALLY suspect you don't read clearly of my posts. I did quote that statement occasionally... in my posts. So; it's always best to ASK rather than ASSUME.. You made a lot of assumptions of me; and I'd say that's rather shameful on your part. Now I am really laughing out loud. That IS exactly the point. Buddha was born as a Prince but he GAVE UP all of the privileges just to come to terms with the term suffering. I suggest you read up on Gautama Buddha before you made any more ignorant remarks. So in a way, he was laying out his pieces. He laid it out in the fact that he made himself rich... as a test... Whether he would give all of those riches and comforts up. There is a BIG difference on technicality and historical beliefs.. Have I ever questioned you on the Trinity Theory? Have I questioned you on how many Gods you have? How many Heaven? Hell? I am questioning you on the explanation part of the rest of the beliefs which can or cannot be explained in the logical sense. Just as I am laying out all my religious beliefs in front of you and addressed ALL of those questions which are NOT technical. But of course,on your religious beliefs minus the technicality; since everything you answered were mostly a paragraph quoted from the Bible without any much further elaboration and logicality; I have to question the origins of the Bible then wouldn't I?
shame of me? you misread my post. i made that statement referring back to ONE of your previous post. on page three of this thread .. i even quote your post i was drawing my statement from. however, see my point. what is the point of that the pieces laid out? in probabiliity it would more likely hurt us than to help us. you see?
true. however, that view is valid in this present life. but i'm still waiting on BabyRain or someone to give me an answer on --
Omg, some people are just so thick-headed. Do I have to repeat myself... The point is that he laid it out that he's going to be a PRINCE.. so he'll be TESTED... that's what he was MEANT to learn. And he passed it by giving it all up. Capiche ?! How is it gonna hurt us? When that's what he was meant to learn??? It's simple.. If he continued living as a Prince and enjoying his life, he wouldn't be the Enlightened One as he didn't come to terms with the meaning of suffering. And Buddhism would not have been bornt in the first place. But if he DID give it up, then he passed the test.