The Last Bloop Thread-Ecko

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Great Sage Equal of Heaven, May 5, 2007.

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  1. don

    don ello

    je ne comprend pas
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    je me suis? suis lavais
  3. ya ok you WISH i msg you lol

    lol well you did find your mistakes already lol

    je me lavais
    tu te lavais
    il se lavais
    nous nous lavions
    vous vous laviez
    ils se lavaient
  4. qoo

    qoo Well-Known Member

    I dont understand how to do tonight's homework!

    Complete the following paragraph with the appropriate form of the verbs given the ones in ( )

    Hier, comme je ne (avoir) pas classe, je (vouloir) aller voir un film avec mon amie Monique, mais elle (etre) malade. Alors je (aller) voir si Christine (etre) chex elle, pour liu demander de venir avec moi. Malheureusement elle (avoir) des amies chez elle et ne (pouvoir) pas m'accompagner. Finalement, je (aller) au cinema tout seul. Et c'est une chance, parce que j'y (rencontrer) une fille formidable
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

  6. qoo

    qoo Well-Known Member

    lol i know what it says, but i dont know weather to use etre or imperfect
  7. don

    don ello

  8. etre or imparfait?

    etre is a verb and imparfait is a tense.. you cant choose between a verb and a tense...

    just conjugate those vebs in imparfait...

    explain to me what you mean by etre or imparfait.
  9. qoo

    qoo Well-Known Member

    whoops i meant passe compose
  10. Ooohhhhh That Changes Everything Lmaooo
  11. so basically, you use passe compose when the action you are doing has started in the past, and ended in the past. it can also be referred to a single event, or an action that has interrupted a scene... like jack est arrive.

    imparfait means if your action has started in the past, but HAS NO ENDING as of yet... so the action is still continuing... it can also mean multiple or repeated actions AND describing a scene... like... j'etais assise sur la chaise... get it?
  12. qoo

    qoo Well-Known Member

    ohh like ...

    imperfect: Le samedi soir, nous allions au cinema


    passe compose: Samedi dernier, nous sommes alles au concert?
  13. yea... you got the idea lol
  14. qoo

    qoo Well-Known Member

    merci beaucoup, tu est un très bon prof de français -smart
  15. ahhhh mais merci quand meme hein? de rien! bonne chance dans tes devoirs...
  16. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    wow...french...bonjoure...getting too old for french...=="
  17. how old are you really? if you dont mind me asking?
  18. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    18 lol is being a while since I last spoke french or learn french...which is 5 years ago
  19. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    je sui dix huit ans
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