I don't like insects in general, because they are WAY too difficult to kill... I've read from SciAm that a roach can survive up to 10 days after decapitation because they do not "bleed" to death... How can that be NOT scary? Although in all fairness, it's more irritating nuisance than hate...
I just looked at your location lol I had to laugh. New York is notorious for the Germans lol. I havent lived in NY for over 17 yrs, but I still remember those things..-sick2
^Yup nasteeeeeeeeeee german roaches and I saw this big one literally the size of my entire thumb. They breed so fast. Goddamn. I gotta find something that will kill them. Isn't there like this machine you can plug into the wall outlet that generates some soundwave thingy? if not... time for me to take out my flip flop and bug spray Lmao.
^lol does such a machine exist? The size of your thumb?? you're kidding...Germans are usually narrow and thin.
Yeah, I don't know what kind it was but it was huge like 10 times larger than german roaches. I don't think they have such a machine yet to kill roaches lol
Yeah I was freaking out. Luckily it was in the kitchen sink so I flushed it with some hot water and had placed two plastic bags over my arm to throw it out. No mess to clean up. But still-sick2