Sex with/without Love?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by BabyRain, May 19, 2007.


Can you have sex without love?

  1. Yes; I am very open-minded/Love doesn't mean anything to me

  2. No; I can only make love not have sex

  3. Yes;I am a virgin but I believe I can do it without love

  4. No; I am a virgin and I only do it if I love the person/Have sex after marriage

  5. I don't need both/I am a monk

  1. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    im not 18 doesnt mean ill do it...
    even tho i have tons of frds that
    did have sex...but then they tell
    me about how they did but shouldnt...
    and doesnt mean i dunt understand..
    even TVB series shows one night stand
    scenes...its not like im a 12 year old...
    and iv been in sex ed for heavens sakes...
    i take this as an sex ed
  2. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Damn!!!! Animal lust....its humans we are talking about here...and how could there be lust without love....Are you a player :D Lolz
  3. wats_blue

    wats_blue Well-Known Member

    I would prefer to sleep with someone that I love...but a lot of things can happen especially if you're drunk or extremely depressed!

    but if by the time im 30-40 and i still haven't found someone to love....then will probably consider having sex without love -lol
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    <_< No it's not. Hell, I don't need justification for anything I do... lol

    If I am sinning, then I AM sinning. -devil

    Well I am obviously aware of that.. I shouldn't have put that option in. -angry

    As for ur question, if the person is single and not seeing anybody else, and the same goes for me, yes I'd do it.
  5. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    if you don't know the animal lust kind of passion and heat; then my sympathy to you.

    hhmm .. you have been posting alot of Buddhism. I wonder ... does Buddhism considers pre marital sex a sin?

    No. i think it's a funny option. hell, that's the only reason i chose that! hehe ...

    So I guess it doesn't matter ... as long as there's heat in between 2 person. of course one has to be single and not seeing anyone else .. otherwise that's considered cheating. and i'm not into the biz of promoting cheating!
  6. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Buddhism only says it's wrong to have sex without love... :p
    so in a way, I'd be sinning if it's just lust. Lol.
  7. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    ^ darn it! then again, it's almost sinful to do anything if you are religious / as you claim a way of life for Buddhism. that is why I have my own religion / way of life ...
  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Not true... it's not almost sinful to do anything... :p
  9. waikitfire

    waikitfire Well-Known Member

    Free Thinker Rock!!! :p
  10. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    so what can you do that's not sinful?

    EDIT: how about girl on girl action?

    OH YAH!
    #130 ab289, May 26, 2007
    Last edited: May 26, 2007
  11. Aries

    Aries Well-Known Member

    I believe that sex kills future intimacy, and from that point on everything goes down hill.
  12. ok.... then lets sin!

    lollll -lol
  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Yes, u can do it with animals too; as long as u haf the lurve! -blush2
    So dun worry, ab289, u can safely pursue that fantasy of urs ..................
  14. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    Wrong. Barrier contraceptives (specifically condoms) do and will protect you from many STDs. The only time it doesn't is from that 1% that breaks / falls off the penis, and if either one of the partners have open sores of any sort and makes contact with broken skin on the other partner.

    Yes, many people don't use it at all, or don't use it correctly. But if and when they do, it WILL protect you from STDs. Correct way to use it is to put it on before even making an mucous membrane contact, NOT right before ejaculation. If you suspect any partners of having herpes, it is NOT all right to give/get fellacio sans protection. The safest way is to do it with a condom on or with a dental dam. As long as people use the "tools" correctly, you can avoid STDs.

    Sex is a basic instinct / human need. It would be torture to abstain for an entire lifetime. Life's too short, have some

    hahahaha roflmao. Thanks, your comment made my day...

    What about having sex, but loving someone else? lol...
  15. of coz i'm not saying the rubber is useless... but for STIs like herpes, genital warts etc it only protects parts that r covered up... and when a man ejeculates his genital contrats and that's when the rubber can slip... the condom doesn't have to fall off completely to put ur health at risk...
  16. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    As long as the condom is the correct size & put on correctly, meaning it goes down to the hilt, it will not slip enough to leak out the ejaculate. Also, make sure the condom has the "nipple resevoir" at the tip and the volume will not leak back.

    For genital herpes / warts, unless they are open lesions AND the partner has a break in his/her skin, then they are safe from transmission.
  17. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    What do you think? :p
    Well, naturally if you are loving someone else, I don't think u're able to do it with another. It's the guilty conscience.
  18. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    but just cos u luv sum1, doesn't mean ur with that sum1...
    so while ur not attached with them, shuldn't be guilty =P
  19. daredevil

    daredevil Member

    Spot on. sometimes, the person u really love isn't the person u r gonna be with.
  20. htownguy

    htownguy Active Member

    i will do it for money, only with opposite sex though