oh really? =.= i jsut dunt like Tiwns but my cousin keeps on playing that song...so iv come to like THAT SONG...and not them...
^^the looks...lol..i think i cant sing that Twins song... my voice and singing wayz dunt suit that song...so i guess ill have to find another one...i wonder what other rapish songs ther are...lol
LOL...u should post a song la...i would but i went cheung k yesturday...and new my throught hurts...i sound like an ape..lol
LOL..its too *ma fan* -lol and it was super loud...lol... gurls were grabing the mics and guyz were___________.... so yea...lol...omg...reno...u should post a song....lol..
i recorded bits of my own singing during K on Sat n thought i'd post it up... but the sound quality was really bad <_<
ahaha mayb one day.... im still sick, so can't exactly "sing" wen i can't even really speak >< plus i don't have mic hookd up... tho i got my own mini k system downstairs =) made a comp just for k... lol love high quality wireless mics =) now i just need a nice tv... lol i'll b nice... one day i'll take a foto and show u =P